Tuesday, December 22, 2009

BOcare update

ALERT: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has won his second cloture vote on the ObamaCare bill, the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" -- but the bill can STILL BE STOPPED!

The liberal Democrats snuck through the first vote on their socialist health care bill -- IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, at 1:00 a.m. Monday. Then today -- in the early morning hours -- they held another cloture vote… and barely squeaked it through. If there had been just ONE Democrat willing to STOP this socialistic health care bill, it could have been stopped this morning -- but they have one more chance to do exactly that… on WEDNESDAY at 1:00 p.m. That means that TODAY, it's up to YOU AND ME to STOP the government takeover of health care in America -- before the next vote!


For the past two weeks, we've been leading the efforts of our members to contact every single Senator, to DEMAND that they reject Harry Reid's socialistic ObamaCare bill -- and as a result, over THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THOUSAND faxes have FLOODED those Senate offices EVERY SINGLE DAY! We've been able to keep the pressure on both Democrats and Republicans, letting them know that WE ARE WATCHING THEM and that we DEMAND they put a STOP to this radical monstrosity of a bill. And despite the fact that we lost the first votes, the good news is… we ARE having an effect on them, and WE CAN STILL DEFEAT THIS BILL!

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