Tuesday, April 16, 2013

HEY !! D. C. !!!!! STOP it!

The Intervention Starts Tomorrow

Thoughts and prayers to Boston
Tonight we are writing this email with heavy hearts as our fellow Americans in Boston are dealing with a horrific tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their friends and families, and the first-responders who always run toward the danger in order to protect our fellow citizens. Now is not the time for making accusations as to who is responsible, but a time for standing in solidarity with our fellow Americans. We believe in our constitution, the rule of law, and that our justice system will work and that justice will ultimately be served. We will follow the news as it unfolds in Boston, and if there are ways in which we can all help, we will pass that information along to you.

Tuesday’s Protests – DC, You Have a Problem
Late last week we announced our #DCIntervention protests at Senators’ local offices across the country that will take place at noon local time tomorrow, April 16, 2013. We are still moving forward with these protests. While we understand that there are many who have loved ones who were impacted by the horrific events in Boston today, we encourage them to take care of their friends and family first. However, there are many other patriots who can continue to carry the torch to protect our constitution and the rule of law.

The message tomorrow is simple, follow the Constitutional process. We must move ahead with that message so that it does not get lost in the media storm that is sure to follow today’s events in Boston. While the authorities address the explosions, we the people must address the problems that will not go away just because the media’s attention is elsewhere.

However, it is more important than ever that our messaging be focused and united around our major points as we outlined yesterday:
  • Stop writing legislation behind closed doors with a small group of people.
  • Stop voting yes on bills that haven’t been read or haven’t even been released.
  • Stop rushing through massive pieces of legislation before Congress and the American people understand the consequences and how we will all be affected.
  • Let the sunshine in! We aren’t asking for a lot – just to be represented rather than ruled over.

Congress railroaded the American people with Obamacare, they did it with the Continuing Resolutions (i.e. spending bills), and they’re doing it right now. If we don’t call attention to it and tell them it’s unacceptable, they will continue to do it until we have no rights left.

AGAIN – please stay on message while at the protests. The media may be looking to stick a microphone in your face and get you on tape saying something about the bombings in Boston that they can twist. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Boston, and our beef with our Senators is about the lack of transparency and their disregard for the Constitution. They are completely separate issues; don’t let a reporter make you tie them together. And remember, you can always walk away from a reporter. You don’t have to answer their questions.

Don’t forget to access our Toolkit that has:
  • A checklist so that you don’t forget anything!
  • Petitions that we will deliver to the Senators in DC if you fax them back to us.
  • Printable posters and suggested sign slogans.
  • Letters to deliver to your Senators while you are there.
  • Sample letters to the editor for your local newspapers.
  • Talking points and resources with links to more information.
  • Sample Facebook posts and Tweets for social media.
  • A list of which Senators voted correctly last week.
Our hashtag on Twitter for tomorrow’s protests is #DCintervention. Please use it when you tweet!

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