Monday, April 29, 2013

Special Operations OPSEC

Dear Friends:

We may be of the verge of revealing the largest cover up by a President since Watergate and we need to get to the truth!

OPSEC has rocked the political establishment with the release of a brand new revealing video, Benghazi: Unaware, Unresponsive, Unaccountable, that begins to uncover the truth about the horrific September 11th terrorist attack in Benghazi that left a U.S. Ambassador to Libya and heroic Navy SEALs dead.

Thanks to your action, OPSEC has added more than 70 new co-sponsors to House Resolution 36, that creates a Select Committee on the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi and launches a full Congressional investigation so we can know the truth -- and not the lies that we've been told.

But time short and our ad blitz aimed at Congress is in danger of going dark without an immediate infusion of funds.

Are you willing to help? Please click here to make an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more to keep our ads live and the pressure on Congress to do the right thing.

Special Operations OPSEC

These ads work: We've helped add more than 70 new co-sponors to this bill in just one week.

OPSEC is changing the course of what's happening in Washington and will reveal the truth about what happened in Benghazi....and the cover up that followed....if we can keep the pressure on.

Please act immediately by making a contribution right now. The time we have to launch this investigation is closing fast!

No one has been held accountable, no one has explained why the American public was deceived about of the attack, and we deserve to know the truth.

This Administration let our soldiers and diplomats pay the ultimate price while they sit comfortably in Washington refusing to give any explanation for why are our country's bravest were abandoned to die.

Is this the largest cover up since Watergate? America deserves to know the truth.


Scott Taylor
President, OPSEC

Donate to OPSEC

Paid for by Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc.

Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization.
Contributions are not tax deductible.

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