Dear Patriot,
Let’s keep this nice and simple.
Barack lied after people died in Benghazi. He
looked the other way when they were crying out for help weeks, months
before the attack. While Ambassador Stevens, State Department
Information Officer Sean Smith, and Former Navy SEALS Glen Doherty and
Tyrone Woods were being brutally murdered by Islamist extremists, Obama
made a decision that one would not expect the President of the United
States to make in that moment.

He went to bed.
There was no staged picture in the Situation Room.
There was no call for any and all help to save those men, even though there was help that could have arrived in time to make a difference.
There was no doing whatever was necessary to keep those Americans safe.
There was obviously only concern for his re-election hopes and worries about how this attack might affect it. After
all, to this day, the Obama Administration will still not call the
attack by Islamist extremist Nidal Malik Hassan at Fort Hood a terrorist
attack. Rather, it is officially referred to as ‘workplace violence’.
Treating the attack in Benghazi as terror would have been devastating to
his re-election hopes. So, he chose to claim that the attack was the
'spontaneous result of a YouTube video'.
Why did he ignore the cries for help? Why did he choose to authorize the development of a bogus story?
Why did he perpetuate that lie over and over again, attacking our First Amendment rights in the process?
The answers to those questions are actually irrelevant. The important
thing is that he did those things. As difficult as it is to believe, as
agonizing as it is to accept,
Americans cried out for help to the Obama Administration and those cries fell on deaf ears.
Stay tuned……
In liberty,
Jennifer Burke
Social Media Director
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