Friday, February 14, 2014

I am WITH these guys.

Friday, February 14, 2014 

                      The Prophetic police state

America always has been known for its freedom.

Americans always have been known for their love of freedom. Why? Because until the latter part of the 20th Century we have been considered a Christian nation and proud of it.

A principle of Christianity is freedom in Christ.
As Galatians 5:1 says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."   Liberty--freedom from sin and death through eternal life--
is a transferring ideal to present physical life and it is contagious. We know from reading the prophets and Revelation that Satan and the anti-Christ are the antithesis of freedom. In the dark shadows of prophetic reality, America's tyranny awaits.  *

We have seen the liberals, under the guise of freedom, and the conservatives, under the guise of security, take away our freedoms, seemingly systematically.

(I have heard all the misguided Christian arguments about how we should be heavenly minded and that we answer to another form of government and therefore should not be concerned with this one.)

I am here to tell you in no uncertain terms that nations are important to God. And people comprise nations. And what we do here on earth has a bearing on how we live out eternity. If you are willing to put your bets on the idea that where you live, how you live, the people around you, how you are governed doesn't matter to God, you are greatly mistaken.

Verses over and over again tell us to occupy till He returns; to overcome evil with good; to let your light shine; to obey God rather than men; to stand against the wiles of the devil; to speak boldly; to let no man deceive you; that the law is good if a man uses it lawfully--really the exhortations go on and on about why it is important for us to be engaged with our family, our friends, our community, our country. Our involvement has eternal importance in ways that most of us probably do not quite understand. When God has given us a nation based on freedom of speech and religion, we are to protect, cherish, and use it to the full advantage of Christian charity and evangelization--locally and internationally. 

The window is closing.
Examples in today's news: Homeland Security is establishing a national license plate recognition system. The American Gestapo will be able to pick you off the street if you don't tow the government line.
Democrats are openly asking the IRS to target their opposition from campaign ads against them. Combined with all the other stories, we are entering into an unnecessary prophetic storm where America
is leading the way toward the anti-Christ rather than preparing hearts for the Lord Jesus Christ!
I am a firm believer that man cannot stop the march of prophecy, but I believe we can determine our place in it.
We have got to reconcile our heavenly mindedness with the practicality of what the Lord wants of our lives as we live them. Our time is short. The day is at hand.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson*
* Bro. Dick E. -  (On June 17, 1954, I was 17 years old and I placed my left hand on the Bible, raised my right hand and swore before almighty God and man to protect and defend my country and the Constitution of the United States from all enemies both foreign and domestic.  No veteran has ever been released from that sacred oath!  Moments after taking that oath, every recruit of the old USAF was given a Bible as part of their initial  government issue  equipment.  The chaplain told us that it was the  book that God had given to both Gentile and Jew.  No one was "offended", no one wrote their Congressman or the ACLU.  How different it is today!  Allah and Islam are in.  The Bible,  God and His only begotten Son are out!   Chaplains are now forbidden to publically speak the name of Jesus Christ!  Bibles in Afghanistan are burned by the U.S. military so not to "offend" the Muslim enemy.   Unless America repents  (quickly), and turns back to the Bible and the LORD Jesus Christ,  America will perish!  Even among half- century old religious friendships I am grieved to see not merely ignorance of, but outright contempt for the Bible.  A willing ignorance and a furious contempt that keeps them enslaved to satan forever.  How ashamed I am of churches  preachers and publications that declare that Christians are to remain neutral in this present spiritual and political battle over the destiny of our once great and godly nation!  May God be merciful unto them and their posterity)  

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