Saturday, March 08, 2014

Koch Bros

Koch Brothers Again in News

Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel on union political spending. Below is an important point from this report.

The Koch Brothers - who Democrats love to attack -  helped fund American's for Prosperity and candidates who they hope will push for free-market principles.

The Center for Responsive Politics’ list of top all-time donors from 1989 to 2014 ranks

Koch Industries No. 59

Not what you would think if you listen to Democrats and/or media

So who are those who rank higher in campaign spending.

Above Koch Brothers in spending are:

 18 unions

Unions collectively spent $620,873,623 more than Koch Industries.

 Union's spent of $4.4 billion on politics from 2005 to 2011, according to this report.

Democrats hope to make a campaign theme out of conservative “dark” money. But unions have been aggressively funneling money into their “dark” groups at a higher rate than even Koch Brothers.

From the Desk of:
Michael Plunkett

I found this interesting and wanted to share it with friends.
Councilman (frm)
Michael Plunkett

King County Republican Party contributor.

Republican State Committeeman, State Executive Board, State Central Committee (one year), Snohomish County.

14 years – elected five times – Edmonds City Council.

Ronald Reagan Inaugural Committee staff.

 Republican National Committee as a political consultant here in the Northwest 1980-81.

36th Legislative District.

Michael Plunkett

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