Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Despite what you many have heard or read, the controversy over Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility to serve as President is still raging.
In fact, USJF lawyers are once again fighting this evil man in the Court of Appeals, and I need your help.
I absolutely MUST raise $11,300, by this Friday, March 7th.
Image of Michael Connelly, Executive Dir., USJF
In Noonan v. Bowen, we are demanding that the court affirm that the American 
people have a right to know that candidates for the Office of the President of 
the United States meet the qualifications for that office that are outlined in the
 United States Constitution.
It's a very simple request.
And, of course, once again, the Obama attorneys are fighting us tooth and nail.
They know that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.,could not provide evidence of his eligibility to serve as President back in 2008, and he could not do so in 2012.
They know that losing this case could blow the lid off of their historic cover-up!
We aren't merely fighting to reaffirm the rights of American citizens to know if 
the people running for office meet the qualifications for the office. 
We are battling to right an historic wrong.
As I'm sure that you can imagine, fighting it out with Barack Obama is very hard, 
and very, very expensive. The stakes are so high that this man will spend 
whatever it takes to thwart us.
We need to fund hours and hours of legal research. Prepare hundreds 
of pages of legal briefs. We must pay for investigators and expert witnesses.
And, I know in my heart that we can win this case.
And Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., knows it, too.
He's spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money fighting USJF's, and our allies', attorneys.
Donate Now button Image
No matter what the pundits and media say, no matter how many fraudulent "birth certificates" that the White House releases, the question of Barack Hussein 
Obama, Jr.'s, eligibility is still a very open question.
That's why our attorneys are back in court. That's why we are fighting this man so hard.
If the above links do not work, just copy and paste this full link in a browser window:
Michael Connelly - Executive Director 
The United States Justice Foundation
932 "D" Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065

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