Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Is nuclear armed terrorists OK?

 We have less than a month to save Israel from the Obama Administration.

President Barack Obama has sent Secretary of State John Kerry to Europe with a March 24th deadline to cut a secret deal with Iran over a nuclear program they have repeatedly lied about - a deal that excludes Israel but absurdly relies on Vladimir Putin's Russian government as a safety valve.

This is a recipe for disaster, not just for the Jewish State of Israel but for America's national security.

I need your help today to contact your Senators and tell them to stand strong in their support of Israel and to stand against President Obama's secret, backroom deals with Iran.

Secretary of State Kerry has devoted much of the last year to negotiating with the Iranian regime about their nuclear build-up. Reports coming out of the negotiations are pointing towards a deal that allows Iran to continue its program while shipping overflow nuclear materials to Russia. The United States would be appointing unprincipled thugs to be a safety valve on a group of seriously disturbed zealots.

Obama has not listened to Israel's warnings regarding the threat Iran poses. That is why Prime Minister Netanyahu must speak to a Joint Session of Congress in early March. Netanyahu needs to be embraced by America unequivocally and soon.

A nuclear-armed Iran would mean nuclear-armed terrorists.

We must make sure the Senate stands strong against Obama's efforts to backpedal on dismantling Iran's ability to build a bomb.

Click here to contact your Senators today and tell them that they need to stand with Israel - our strongest ally in the Middle East - and stop a nuclear Iran.

We only have a few short weeks left to take action. Please help TVC continue to sound the alarm!

Before we know it, the United States could overturn decades of foreign policy and abandon Israel to cut a secret deal with Iran.

Your Senators need to hear from you today!

Andrea Lafferty
Traditional Values Coalition

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