Tuesday, June 21, 2011

who is your hero


Thank goodness we have the media to tell us who is smart and who is not....
Click HERE to see what we mean....

Oh yeah, and what about fascism....

The Left would call President Bush a fascist incessantly, so much so that most Patchouli-smelling libs even created calendar reminders in their Outlook for the occasion.

Mirakel: It's now 1:55 p.m. We're supposed to be calling that warmonger Bush a fascist and criminal of the universe in 5 minutes. Celeste: Wow, time flies when you're having fun. You can start without me. I'm putting a Co-Exist bumper sticker on my Chevy Volt.

The thing is that President Bush never demanded that grocery manufacturers alter their ingredients or else face stern penalties, including banishment from the airwaves. You read that correctly. Under the rubric of combating childhood obesity, The Federal Trade Commission, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are ordering food producers to retool the amount of sugar, sodium, and fats in their products, particularly those marketed to children. If not, come 2016, the violating manufacturers are forbidden from advertising on television, in video games, or in any other venue that children are drawn to.

Now that's fascism—a government body telling a private operation how they will run shop, even down to the particulars of food ingredients!

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