NEW Petition! Demand the U.S. Senate OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER the openly
homose xual JUDGE MICHAEL MCSHANE nominated by President Obama. Select, sign and we will fax all 100 Senators instantly (saving you
time!) Obama pushes "gay" judge who praised child rapist's "good luck."
Stop him
now! The pro-homose xual newspaper Washington Blade boasts how President Obama
is now pushing three openly homose xual judges to fill seats on the federal bench.
Last month "the Senate confirmed by voice vote the
nomination of Pamela Ki Mai
Chen, a lesbian, for a seat on the U.S.
District Court for the Eastern District of
New York." Another lesbian,
Nitza Quinones, "would be the first out lesbian Latina
to serve as a
federal judge." Since Chen was already confirmed, and Quinones
surprisingly has Senator Toomey (R-PA)'s
endorsement, there is not much point in
launching a filibuster on those two. But Obama's third judge, the openly homose xual Michael McShane, must be stopped, and can be
stopped by filibuster, if we take action to petition
all 100 Senators to STOP MCSHANE. According to the Judicial Action Group [JAG],
McShane represented one of the worst child rapists in U.S. history, secured a light sentence for the pedophile, and then described the pedophile’s light sentences as "good luck." The pedophile went on to rape additional children after
McShane secured his light sentence. Recalling
his previous role defending Dean Schwartzmiller, one of the worst and
most prolific serial child rapists in U.S. history who is said to have
hundreds or even thousands of children over the course of
thirty (30)
or more years
in several countries, McShane attributed the rapist and child molester’s continued
ability to evade
conviction as "good luck" and recalled the rapist he defended as
‘a fixated individual’ whom he'll never forget.
"The guy has had better luck than
anybody I know in the criminal justice system," McShane reportedly said. "The
has had a very difficult time getting cases to stick against him." Please
select here to sign NEW petition, and we will fax all 100
Senators (saving you time!) to OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER JUDGE MICHAEL
MCSHANE to stop his promotion to a federal judgeship ruling over Oregon
and the
American people. Watch Dr. Chaps' 7-minute TV commentary on the bad Judge Michael
McShane--> McShane defended Schwartzmiller for his admitted rape and sodomizing of one
particular boy – after Schwartzmiller’s known history of child rape, and previous convictions.
After McShane’s
procurement of the light sentence, Schwartzmiller continued to rape
children. McShane represented a
number of criminal defendants during
legal career (and they all have a right
to defense), but his comments about this most horrific defendant’s ability to
punishment and continue raping children does not show good judgment. In another instance, McShane advised a drug user that in order to receive treatment
at a rehab center, clients need to test positive for drugs to enter the
According to JAG, McShane had to warn the criminal not to show up clean.
"That’s the
conversation that’s odd for a judge," McShane said. "I wasn’t telling him to
go get high, but it is an odd conversation to
have." [Dr. Chaps' comment: So
this judge is not only openly homosexual personally,
praises the "good luck" of his own repeat child-molesting clients, and
advises drug addicts they must show up high to receive medical
Clearly he lacks the judgment needed to serve as federal
judge.] Let's sign a NEW petition and fax it to all 100
Senators to STOP JUDGE MCSHANE: Please
here to sign NEW petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you
promotion to a federal judgeship ruling over Oregon and the American
people. God Bless you, in Jesus' name,  Chaplain
Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD Who is Dr. Chaps? Read his bio here. Prefer to donate by mail? Please write: The Pray In Jesus Name
PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970. |
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