Wednesday, May 01, 2013

TeaParty Patriots

Dear Patriot,
Barack Obama’s grassroots campaign operation just announced that it has hired on-the-ground operatives in nineteen states.
They're trying to take the Tea Party head-on in states like Texas, Georgia, and Arizona.
We must ramp up our grassroots organizing effort immediately!
We are now in an all-out grassroots advocacy war with the most high-tech and efficient left-wing group in American history.
And we need your help!
Our goal is to duplicate our grassroots strategy that was so successful in Washington State last year.
In 2012, while establishment Republican candidates were being wiped out across the board and Obama’s campaign was turning states like Virginia and Colorado from red to blue, Tea Party Patriots went behind enemy lines in Washington.
And despite Barack Obama winning that state handily, our grassroots Tea Party army was able to help fiscal conservatives take over the state senate!
Now, we need to duplicate that success across America. We need to stand up to Obama’s organizers and beat them at their own game.
Our goal is to go toe-to-toe with Barack Obama’s “Organizing for Action” operation. Everywhere they hire a coordinator, we will do the same.
The only way we are going to save this country from out-of-control government is by meeting them in the streets, in the neighborhoods, in the towns, districts, cities, and states!
During the 2012 campaign, Barack Obama's campaign had 4,000 paid staffers. Right now, Tea Party Patriots has 14.
We've got some work to do. But this is a fight we can – and MUST – win.
There are millions and millions of fed up conservatives out there. They hate what the leftists are doing to our country. And they're ready to spring into action.
That’s why they banded together and created the Tea Party movement in the first place.
Now, however, we need to take this battle for America to the next level. We need to go toe-to-toe with Barack Obama’s highly sophisticated organization.
Obama’s field generals believe they can actually turn the great state of Texas “blue.” So they are organizing.
They believe they can crush our movement in Georgia and Arizona. So they are establishing offices and hiring field staffers.
They believe they can take back the House of Representatives in 2016. So they are expanding their already considerable grassroots operation.
But they are wrong. Dead wrong.
We are going to beat these left-wing agitators at their own game. We are going to recruit and build and organize and rally the conservative majority in this country like never before.
But first, we need your help.
Every dime of your gift will be spent helping local Tea Party groups go toe-to-toe with Organizing for Action.
This grassroots battle will determine the fate of our country. And if every Tea Party supporter lends a hand, we can win it.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
Donate Now!
Tea Party Patriots National Support Team
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Paid for by Tea Party Patriots, Inc., Debbie Dooley (Treasurer)
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s agent or committee.

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