Monday, February 10, 2014

MORE on common core

It sounds benign but Common Core is not simply teaching all students the common three R's.
Note from Brother Robert Myers,

A lot of folks are going to sleep through this sinister back-door strategy by the current Marxist-fascist government to enslave your children and your grandchildren to the godless curriculum of the antichristian forces alive and active on this earth.  The new so-called “Common Core” federally mandated curriculum for the school system is about to be made mandatory for all schools, beginning with public schools but now planned for home schools. 

It is obvious that church schools will be next after home schools as this godless government takes ownership of our children, and  as we move toward a totalitarian dictatorship. 

Take personal action , then pass this email along and ask your friends and brothers and sisters in Christ to contact their elected representatives and insist that our congress get rid of Common Core.  This is precisely the kind of creeping possession of the souls of men that began in Red China, the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Venezuela, and Nazi Germany. 

If you are unfamiliar with Common Core, go here:
If you don’t have time to examine what the pitfalls, devilish intent to control, and godless curriculum that will be part of this despicable power move, go here:

While we sleep the destroyers implement one more small, almost inconspicuous part of their demonic plan.  This stuff is no longer fodder for conspiracy theorists.  God help us! 


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