Tuesday, February 11, 2014

out of kilter

I saw some recent headlines and was again perplexed at how things are so much out of kilter now days in our country.  Is Iran a friend of the United States?  Is that a hard question?  We are talking about a country 
from which we hear rhetoric such as, “Death to America.”  

Is standing up for the Second Amendment Rights in the United States the right thing to do?  Is that a hard question?  Our founding fathers put it in our constitution for a reason.  However, when Iran makes moves to put war ships along the coast of America, the administration of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama says, “We’re cool with that.”  At the same time, he has our National Guard training to fire on American patriots.  It seems backwards to me when we are not concerned about Jihad sympathizers but vilify those who support the second amendment.  See today’s stories on this here and here

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