Sunday, February 09, 2014

NRL News


The print version of National Right to Life News is back as a monthly PDF publication. Read it now!

  In a world of vanishing print newspapers it only made sense to switch from printing National Right to Life News to making the "pro-life newspaper of record" available electronically online.

The Pro-Life Explanation for why the number of abortion is dropping

  By Dave Andrusko Beyond the obvious--that it's very important to know whether the death toll from abortion is rising or falling--why would National Right to Life News Today be running what will turn out to be probably 8-10 articles

NRLC director of State Legislation testifies in South Carolina in favor of Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Mary Spaudling Balch, JD, director, NRLC Department of State Legislation
  South Carolina lawmakers are considering H 4223, a bill that would create a compelling state interest in protecting unborn children capable of feeling pain from death by abortion. To date, 10 other states have passed laws that protect the
National Right to Life Convention:

Digging Deeper into the Data: Considering the causes for the drop in abortion, Part 2

  By Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D. NRL Director of Education & Research It is said that failure is an orphan but that victory has a hundred fathers. Well, there are a lot of folks taking credit for the sudden and

Norwegian Deputy Mayor bashed for showing fetal model of unborn baby, refuses to back down

  By Dave Andrusko I thought I'd heard everything but… Jørgen Kristiansen, the deputy mayor of Kristiansand, Norway, is being hammered for (as a headline in The Daily Mail put it) "inflam[ing] Norway abortion debate by posting picture

NRLC Vice President Tony Lauinger Honored for Pro-Life work in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (left) smiles as the Oklahoma legislature applauds NRLC's Vice President, Tony Lauinger, who was honored Wednesday for his pro-life work. Directly behind Mr. Lauinger is NRLC President Carol Tobias. To her left is Dr. David N. O'Steen, NRLC Executive Director.
  By Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life Each year, pro-lifers in Oklahoma celebrate Rose Day at the state capitol. Participants enjoy music, usually from a school group, hear one or more speakers, and are encouraged to bring roses

Belgian Child euthanasia bill will likely go to a vote on February 13

  Petition to the Belgian government – Stop the euthanasia of minors By Alex Schadenberg, International Chair – Euthanasia Prevention Coalition The Belgian media is reporting that the bill to extend euthanasia to children in Belgium will likely be voted

A father's promise leads to a remarkable life of love, sacrifice

The Cortez family hold a photo of Mikey Cortez , who died peacefully on Dec. 27, 2013. Mikey was in a PVS for the last 31 years after a crash on Rancho California Road on March 26,1982.
Frank Bellino/Press Enterprise Staff Photographer
  By Nancy Flanders For 31 years, Mikey Cortez lived in a coma-like state. At age seven, he was the victim of a drunk driver who stole the lives of his older brother and three other relatives.

Psalm 139 and President Obama's remarks to the National Prayer Breakfast

  By Dave Andrusko Earlier today, as has every President since Dwight Eisenhower, President Barack Obama spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton hotel in our nation's capitol. As I have the last two years, I'd like

More Obamacare Rationing Fallout

  By Burke Balch, JD & Jennifer Popik, JD, Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics Two new reports highlight the growing evidence that, thanks to Obamacare, the quality of many Americans' current healthcare is gradually declining. New Obamacare exchange plans

The National Right to Life Academy: Equipping young pro-life leaders to lead the pro-life movement into the future

  By Andrew Bair In just a few months, a group of young pro-life leaders will meet in Washington, D.C. for an unforgettable summer that will equip them with the knowledge and skills to lead the pro-life movement into the

The Government Should Oppose, Not Sponsor, the Aborting of America's Poor Women

Helen Alvare
  By Susan T. Muskett, J.D., Senior Legislative Counsel In early January, George Mason University Law Professor Helen Alvare testified before a congressional committee about the need for the federal government to "once and for all" remove itself from involvement

Clinic worker quits, calls her former workplace an "abortion mill"

Dina Madsen
  By Sarah Terzo Dina Madsen began working at a Sacramento abortion clinic (which she would later describe as an "abortion mill") in 1990. According to her, she had been living a "dysfunctional" life and knew little about abortion when

Thursday, February 6, 2014: Luke's 5th Heaven Day

Hannah Rose
By Hannah Rose Allen As soon as my eyes opened this morning, I remembered how five years ago on this day, I awakened with a heavy heart and tear-filled eyes. My unborn baby would be alive within me for just

Have NRL News Today sent to you automatically and also follow Breaking Updates

By Dave Andrusko There are an awful lot of people who see National Right to Life News Today stories because Google News includes most of them when it aggregates and groups similar stories together.
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