Monday, February 10, 2014

Pro-LIFE News Pro-Life News Report

February 10, 2014
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Current Headlines

Top Stories
• Hobby Lobby to Supreme Court: Protect Us From $1.3M in Fines a Day Over Obamacare

• Planned Parenthood: Women Want Abortions for Valentine’s Day
 Missing 6-Day-Old Baby Miraculously Found in Bag Outside Gas Station• Planned Parenthood Gets Away With Killing a Woman in an Abortion

More Pro-Life News
• Hospital Forced to Deny Treatment for Kids With Severe Medical Conditions Sues Obamacare
• Parents Fight to Save Unborn Baby With Two Faces After Doctors Suggest Abortion

• Paralyzed Man Miraculously Walks Again After 4-Year-Old Boy’s Prayerful Prediction
• Belgium Parliament Likely to Allow Doctors to Euthanize Children This Week
• After a Horribly Painful Abortion, The Doc Gave Her an Ultrasound Photo
• Girl Scouts Alternative American Heritage Girls Announces New Respect Life Patch

• Virginia Democrats Don’t Want Women to Ultrasound Before Abortion

• Potential Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio to Headline Pro-Life Tele-Town Hall

• Abortion From a 7-Year-Old’s Perspective
• Pro-Life Group Criticizes Only Republican to Vote Against Ban on Tax-Funded Abortions
• University of Iowa Sued for Denying Teaching Position to Pro-Lifer
• Pro-Death Culture Now Promoting Assisted Suicides of Older Married Couples
• Thrivent Cuts Donations to Pro-Life Groups After Criticism Over Pro-Abortion Funding

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