Sunday, February 01, 2009

Meeting for the 29th anniversary of our church.

Elder George Kelley did a wonderful job preaching for us this week at TLBC.

Marion and I enjoyed having Brother Kelley and Alice in our home this week. What a blessing.

We had some first time visitors in the services and several came down from the church in Seattle to be with us and also a good number came over from Naples, Idaho.

Of all the invitations given out to our friends and neighbors around here, NONE made the effort to come. They really do not know what they missed. What a shame.

Monday: Christ's Church.

Tuesday: Love is NOT God.

Wednesday: The Glory of the Lord.

Thursday: David's Expectation.

Friday: If The Foundations Be Destroyed.

Saturday: The Day of the Lord.

Sunday AM: The Impeccability of Christ.

Sunday PM: Following Jesus.

Our newest member, Sister Joanna Works, put together a nice little book on the History of TLBC and Brother Turner presented it to Pastor Sunday afernoon. It had pictures in it when many of us were much younger and it sure brought back memories. It was very touching. Marion and I will take the Kelleys up to SeaTac in the morning for their flight back to Ontario, California. Pray that the Revival migh continue to grow among us.

Larry Killion Free Bible Study

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