Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day Tea Party @ Olympia 2010

The pledge of alegance and the singing of the National Anthom were heart moving.
There was plenty of heated talk about BO in the White House and Gregoir in our State's Governor's Mansion but I particularly liked the rocking chair setup someone had for Senator Patty Murray.

Good day. It didn't rain during the event and spirits were high. A peaceful protest by angry voters and tax payers. Liberal plants sent to disrupt and give the "Tea Baggers" some bad press were mainly identified and dealt with by means of pity and humor.

There might not have been as many there as last year.
I hope we all REMEMBER in November. I forgot my camera so took a few shots with my cell phone. Hope you like. I already had my "Don't Tread on ME" and "Taxed Enough Already" stickers. :)

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