Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memorial Day this weekend

Why we do Memorial Day.

:: THE SACRIFICE OF ONE :: Igniter Media Group ::

1 comment:

Larry Killion said...

Believe it or not

I almost feel sorry for the present resident of the White House. See this excerp from "The Daily Recaoning" by Bill Bonner.

- President Obama banned drilling in the Gulf. Poor Obama. The pundits are practically blaming him for the oil spill. They say the oil slick is his "Katrina moment." Or that his response to the disaster calls his competence into question...

- The underground gusher may or may not be coming under control. The news this morning is contradictory.

- But it seems unfair to pin the problem on America's chief executive. What does he know about drilling for oil? Or about plugging holes under the ocean? Nothing.

- He's a bright fellow...but he's spent his entire life in academia and politics. What do you expect? He doesn't understand how the natural world works...or how an economy works. All he has are plenty of experts around him to give him a bum steer.

Enjoy your weekend,