Wednesday, October 19, 2011


up on the right you can find your Senators contact information. There is presently a bill being promoted in the Senate that is very deceptively titled. I've been alerted to this by Tony Perkins, President of FRCAction, a Legislative Affiliate of Family Research Council. They are seeking donations [] and have a petition that can be sent to your Senator in support of the traditional definition of marriage.

The bill they warn us about is called the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) but it is in fact just the opposite. If passed, it will do away with the Defense of Marriage Act DOMA that was passed in 1996 defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman for the purposes of federal agencies and federal laws and it guarantees the right of States to decide their own marriage laws independently of the Federal laws and the laws of other States. Please clip and paste the note below and send it to your two Senators.

Dear Senator,

As one of your constituents, I wish to register my strong opposition to the deceptively titled "Respect for Marriage Act," S. 598, which if passed will overturn the Defense of Marriage Act Congress passed in response to the majority of American's desire to protect marriage and in opposition to so-called "same-sex marriage." The majority of Americans are still opposed to redefining the institution of marriage. Normal marriage is still the bedrock foundation of a healthy society. Government promotion of counterfeit "marriages" is still bad policy. Therefore, please do not ignore the historical evidence for marriage and the public opinion opposed to redefining it. PLEASE reject the RMA. Thank you.


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