Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Sanctity of Life

Marjorie Margolies

This is Sanctity of Life month. That was the title of the Sermon this morning at TLBC. Go to the website and listen to the audio of the message. We don't always agree with Catholic dogma but when they stand for the Sanctity of Life, we believe that is a correct position and we were surprised to hear what one of their traditionally pro-life schools has done.

While thousands of pro-life Americans prepare to attend the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the Jesuit University of Scranton, located in Pennsylvania, makes very different preparations.

Former Congresswoman and avowed abortion advocate Marjorie Margolies has been invited to give the keynote speech at the University of Scranton’s Ready to Run: Campaign Training for Women program. The event is scheduled on January 28, according to the university’s web site.

On January 13, the bishop of Scranton, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, issued a formal statement and asked that the invitation be withdrawn. But his request was rebuffed by university officials.


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