Friday, June 22, 2012

Matching Pro-LIFE Grant

National Pro-Life Alliance

I have great news!

I just talked to several very generous and dedicated members of the National Pro-Life Alliance who are so excited about our 2012 program that they have agreed to fund a $100,000 matching grant!

Under this arrangement, these dedicated National Pro-Life Alliance supporters will match your contribution if received by midnight July, 19 . . .

. . . up to one hundred thousand dollars!

That's right.  These generous supporters will multiply the impact of your contribution to this project if you make your contribution within the next 29 days.

Will you accept this Matching Grant Challenge?

Unlike the nation's largest abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, which has received hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, the National Pro-Life Alliance relies solely on voluntary contributions to support its work.

That's why it is vital you make your most generous contribution possible.

The fact is, whatever contribution you give today can make the difference not only in our drive to get action on the Life at Conception Act in this Congress, but also to hold politicians accountable for their pro-abortion votes when they face the voters this November.

You and I have never been in a better position to get action.

Now, we must build on our momentum and push for roll call votes.

It's vital you and I pin down each and every politician.

If a politician refuses to take action on the only legislation that will overturn Roe v. Wade and end the slaughter, then you and I must let pro-life voters know that he is nothing more than a "wolf in sheep's clothing."

Just getting a public roll call vote in both houses of Congress on the Life at Conception Act will be a huge victory.

You see, more than 70 percent of the American people are opposed to our nation's policy of abortion-on-demand.

So if pro-abortion politicians want to vote to kill the Life at Conception Act, they'll pay the political price at the ballot box when faced with re-election.

Yet, this fight won't be easy.

That's why it's vital you and I keep the pressure on Members of Congress to cosponsor and force votes on the Life at Conception Act.

Let's face facts.

You and I simply cannot rely on the so-called "mainstream media" to keep the pro-life issue before the American people.

Your $10 contribution will help put every Member of Congress on public record on the abortion issue.

Or if you could possibly give $25 or even $50 -- our Matching Grant donor will match that gift as well.

But it's crucial you make your contribution before July 19th.

Please click here to chip in now and accept the Matching Grant Challenge.

Click here to chip in

With the help of concerned Americans like you, your National Pro-Life Alliance can cut through the campaign rhetoric and put every Member of Congress on record for or against abortion-on-demand.

Please click here to contribute now.

For Life,
Martin Fox
Martin Fox, President      
National Pro-Life Alliance

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