Wednesday, October 31, 2012


vicfnd-countup-hdr-51The National Right to Life Victory Fund is running this series of 54 Reasons to Defeat Barack Obama as a way to commemorate the 54 million unborn children who have lost their lives to the abortion policies Obama supports.  Previous reasons in this series can be found at 

Reason #51 to Defeat Barack Obama:  4 Million Dead

Since Barack Obama took office in January 2009, more than four million unborn human beings have been killed, violently, by abortionists.

With the annual number of abortions around 1.2 million per year, the four years of the Obama term will end with the loss of 4.8 million innocent unborn babies’ lives.

Barack Obama could not have saved every one of those babies during his term.  But he could have saved many of them.

Instead, he championed policies to make the tragedy worse.

Obama appointed two Supreme Court justices whose records indicate they support the Roe v. Wade decision that forces states to allow abortion.  His first nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, had previously helped direct the litigation projects of a private organization that filed legal challenges to pro-life laws, including parental notification requirements.  His second nominee, Elena Kagan, while working as a key White House aide to President Clinton, helped direct a political strategy that kept partial-birth abortion legal for more than seven additional years.

Obama opposed this year’s congressional ban on sex-selection abortions, he weakened conscience protections for medical personnel, and his health care law will greatly expand the number of people in plans that cover abortion.

His Administration has forcefully defended federal and state funding for Planned Parenthood, the organization that does more than 330,000 abortions each year.

That doesn’t even mention his policies that fund and encourage groups engaged in abortion in other countries.

Occasionally I will get a letter or call from a pro-life person who thinks Obama’s support for abortion won’t make a difference to the unborn; they believe (or want to believe) they can vote for Obama on other issues without threatening the lives we are trying to defend.

They are wrong.

Reversing the Obama policies I’ve listed above, which is exactly what the pro-life team of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will do in office, will save thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of lives, depending on the time frame you use.

But four more years of Barack Obama will only lead to four million more dead babies.

The National Right to Life Victory Fund is working with great energy around the country to find and convince pro-life voters how important their vote is to the lives of unborn babies.  We are experts at persuading voters that their vote is literally a life-and-death issue for the unborn.  We also excel at getting the pro-life vote to the polls. 

These are exactly the skills that are needed in this last week of the campaign – voter contacts that inform and motivate, tools that can turn a close election into a victory!

Please help us maximize those critical voter contacts over the next week with a generous donation to the National Right to Life Victory Fund.  If you know a pro-lifer who still doesn’t understand that a president does make an enormous difference whether unborn babies live or die, please share this e-mail with them before they vote. 

You and I can help end the carnage Barack Obama is encouraging with his pro-abortion policies.  We can save precious lives and give unborn children a chance at life.  And that’s worth every little extra effort over this next week.

Please vote, talk to your friends about the importance of electing the Romney/Ryan team, and please support our important voter contact campaign in these final days.

Thank you!

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