Saturday, October 13, 2012

Send a FAX

United States Justice Foundation Email Logo Image
United States Justice Foundation
Gary G. Kreep, Esq. - Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 "D" Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065

Thousands and thousands of military ballot applications seem to be missing.

Barack Hussein Obama contracted with a foreign firm called SCYTL
to "help" with military absentee voting. And it has now come to light that that firm has a history of very lax security, and of being susceptible to being hacked by computer saboteurs!

Please send faxes IMMEDIATELY to every Member of the House of Representatives. Tell them to get back to Washington fast, and to stop this fraud. This SCYTL firm must be fired, and every member of the armed services must be allowed to vote.

A new poll reports that a huge majority of members of the military will not
vote for him. Therefore, it's clear that the Obama Administration is doing
everything possible to keep them from casting ballots.
He's refused to open military voting offices required by federal law. His
allies in key states have deliberately sent out ballots too late and in
violation of more federal law.  It's been disclosed that this shady 

European company has been hired to process our military ballots.
This is an extreme emergency. Congress must step in, RIGHT NOW, or tens of thousands of our service members may not be able to vote.
SCYTL was hired by Barack Obama's Federal Voting Assistance
Program, the same bureaucracy that has refused to open military
voting offices overseas, in violation of federal law. Its job is to
supposedly electronically deliver ballots to our men and women
in uniform.

I think that you can see what is happening.
Barack Hussein Obama is doing everything that he can to prevent
members of the military from voting, including hiring this incompetent 

Spanish company to deliver ballots to our men and women overseas!
For all we know, Barack Hussein Obama's crack team of internet specialists have themselves broken into the SCYTL system, and are casting thousands of illegal votes!
Please fax the members of the House of Representatives right away.
Not only do the military voting offices need to be opened, as required by federal law, but SCYTL must be fired, and ballots must be delivered, and processed, in a secure and responsible way.
Send Faxes Now Image
This really is an emergency. Most Members of Congress don't know about
this SCYTL scandal yet, so your faxes could make a profound difference.

Please send your faxes immediately.
If the link does not work, cut and paste this full link in your browser window:

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