Tuesday, January 08, 2013




                Hamas linked/Muslim Brother front group, Council of American Islamic Relations has been busy trying to pre-empt our American Laws for American Courts campaign.  We cannot let our legislator be fooled by this nefarious group.

                Here is the resolution they will be trying to coerce our legislators in to signing:

Faith in Our State and Laws Resolution
WHEREAS, the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of our nation, and this body has full confidence in its ability to endure all tests, and

WHEREAS, many immigrants came to our nation to escape government-sanctioned persecution of their faith, and

WHEREAS, this body believes that any law which is designed to restrict the liberty of one faith tradition erodes the founding principle of religious liberty and that it is, as James Madison wrote in 1785, proper to “take alarm” at any such “experiment on our liberties,” and

WHEREAS, our state has a history of embracing individuals’ right to practice the faith tradition of their choice within the law and free of government interference, and

WHEREAS, a multiplicity of religious beliefs, traditions and heritages bring strength to our state, and

WHEREAS, this body believes that it is not the role of the legislature of Washington State to disparage or marginalize any religious tradition, and

WHEREAS, this body finds abhorrent all forms of discrimination, including those forms of discrimination targeting religion or belief, and

WHEREAS, our state benefits from a number of individuals and institutions whose faith motivates them to provide food to the hungry, shelter to the needy, inexpensive or free health services and other humanitarian services, and

WHEREAS, religious leaders who facilitate conflict resolution often achieve judicially-sanctioned results that ease the burdens on our courts, and

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Washington State [House or Senate], that Washington State welcomes all religious beliefs, traditions and heritages, and

RESOLVED that this body has full confidence in the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the state of Washington and does not entertain any concern that any foreign or religious law offers a threat to the law of the land.

PLEASE write your Senator and your Representative warning them who CAIR is, remind them that there are states that have passed the American Laws for American courts which does not restrict anyone’s religious beliefs but only keeps foreign laws out of judicial consideration when their Constitutional rights would be taken from them and that it has been successfully used to protect Muslims in other states.

I am attaching a "Fact Sheet" to counter the garbage CAIR is putting out and here is a sample letter you can use.  Feel free to edit as you wish but please be respectful and factual. 

Dear Senator/Representative _______________:

On January 16th, 2013, the Council for American Islamic Relations will be visiting Olympia for their annual "Muslim Day at the Capitol".  While we applaud any citizen who takes an active role in our government, we would like to give you some facts regarding the sponsoring organization. 

CAIR remains an un-indicted co-conspirator in the country's largest terror financing trial, US v. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development which resulted in over 185 convictions.  Many of CAIR's founders and predecessors were convicted and are now in prison.  The FBI has cut all ties with CAIR  over their ties to Hamas and even Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer of the Senate Judiciary Committee requested that the ban on CAIR be enforced “government-wide.

I have attached a Fact Sheet that you can keep in mind when you meet with the representatives of CAIR and sincerely hope you take the advice of the FBI and of Congressman Schumer to not align yourself with CAIR.

Thank you for your time.

(your name and city)

Muslim Day at the Capitol, January 16, 2013
Fact Sheet

The Issue:  The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) will be visiting Olympia on January 16th, 2013.  CAIR has been linked to Hamas, a terror organization, and the Muslim Brotherhood (1) resulting in the FBI cutting all ties to CAIR. (2)
- CAIR would like to shut down all discussion about Islam and terrorism by labeling anyone who voices concern an “Islamaphobe”  

-CAIR would like you to believe that “Islamophobia” is being “close-minded prejudice against Islam or Muslims”.   

- A phobia is an irrational fear.  With over 20,000 Islamic terrorist attacks around the world since 9/11/01, to ignore a citizen’s concern is naïve and dismissive.

- A recent increase in home grown Islamic terrorism here in Washington state ranging from the shooting at the Jewish Federation Center (3), to Michael Jihad running two US Marines off of I-5 (4) to two Muslims planning to bomb and attack the Military Entrance Processing Station off of Airport Way in Seattle, the later three citing the Fort Hood shooter as their inspiration (5) and other incidents merits discussion and concern.

- Our first amendment protects our freedom of speech; it does not guarantee freedom of being offended.  Any attempt at shutting down discussion should be viewed with alarm.

- In order to pre-empt any attempt to protect our US Constitution and our State Constitution, CAIR will be asking you to “Introduce and support passage of the Faith in Our State Laws Resolution.”  Worried about the recent passage of the American Laws for American Courts in other states, which only restricts judicial consideration of foreign laws when they would take away constitutionally protected rights of citizens and NOT restrict religious practices such as praying or fasting, as CAIR would like you to believe, they will insist that this resolution will protect them.   The American Laws for American Courts legislation has already been passed in several states and has been applied which resulted in the PROTECTION of a Muslim’s civil rights!  (6)

-  They are also asking for formal Condemnation of anti-Muslim prejudice whenever it shows itself.  We make no distinction regarding prejudice.  We condemn all forms of discrimination.

- They are hoping that you will “Work with the local chapter of CAIR and its allies to promote a Washington that is inclusive and is a model of interfaith cooperation for the rest of the country”.    CAIR and the founders of CAIR have been linked to Hamas, a terror organization and the Muslim Brotherhood resulting in the FBI cutting all ties to CAIR.  We would respectfully ask that none of our Representatives and Senators would align themselves with a terror linked organization like CAIR.  (See refs 1 & 2)  Even Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer of the Senate Judiciary Committee requested that the ban on CAIR be enforced “government-wide.”
CAIR “Facts” and the actual truth.

In 2010, there was a nationwide rise in anti-Muslim bias incidents, including about 10 in the Northwest.

Actual Truth:  Data from the FBI for hate crimes from 2011 indicates the number of hate crimes was down to 6,222 incidents involving 7,254 offenses, a 6 percent drop from the preceding year and the lowest since 1994.      First, among religious hate crimes, Jews make up the overwhelming number of victims (63.2 percent), but the total number, again, is tiny (936). Muslim hate-crime victims make up only 12.5 percent of the anti-religious hate crimes. That is 185 victims in the whole country.

Members of the U.S. House and Senate have sponsored viewings of anti-Muslim films such as "Obsession"
and "Fitna” 

Actual Truth:  Obsession features devout Muslim and former U.S. Naval Officer, Zuhdi Jasser of the American Islamic Federation for Democracy who opposes the extremist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and Fitna is a film that cost the maker, Theo Van Gogh, his life and death threats for the co-producer, ex- Muslim, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who escaped Somalia and the forced arranged marriage she faced.  Law enforcement should be allowed to use ALL tools at their disposal to understand the threat of any extremist group.  Why would CAIR oppose that unless they had ulterior motives?

Reasons to Not Support CAIR

- CAIR and its founders have ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. (1&2)
- CAIR does not speak for all Muslims.
- CAIR supports those who commit crimes then tries to blame them on non-Muslims (7 & 8)
- CAIR takes “hate crimes” and other statistics out of context to make the problem appear worse than it is.
- CAIR states that there are over 40 mosques in Washington State.  They fail to tell you that some mosques hold classes for their married men on “How to beat your wife” (9)

(1) http://www.txnd.uscourts.gov/judges/hlf2.html  US v. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
(2) http://www.wnd.com/2011/03/276289/ FBI cuts ties with CAIR

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