Saturday, February 09, 2013

About Guns

The 2nd Amendment Rally in Olympia last Friday wasn't as large as the last one but it was a work day and the approximately 1500 people crowd was pretty good considering that.  I drove down from Tacoma and was only there for about an hour.  Some folks had come from as far as Eastern Washington.  Every speaker I heard was articulate and able to state the position we all pretty much agreed on regarding the latest swarm of alleged "Gun Control" legislation that is hitting everywhere spurred by mindless media mush on the subject.  The Veteran with the MIKE did an outstanding job. He has his own radio program online at 9PM but I need to get back to you later with the name and details.  It was freedom-something dot com and his first name was Ryan, I think. 

Another speaker that impressed me was a nameless Judge/Lawyer from across the street from the State Legislation Building who came out on his lunch hour and confessed that he was not a "gun nut" but supported our right to do what we were doing and said we were right for standing strong for the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.  He made several good points about how the 2nd Amendment only guarantees an already existing right that we have from what many deem as divine origin and it was not about hunting, personal self defense or recreational shooting but in the main was there to defend the people against governmental tyranny.

I just sent letters to my elected officials in Olympia regarding HB1588 and SB5625 and Universal Background Checks.   If you are a Washington State voter, please contact your State Legislators and tell them to vote against these bills.  They are totally redundant and will do nothing to prevent criminals from getting guns if they want them.  These bills will only be a financial and regulatory burden on law abiding citizens and responsible gun owners.  They will also open up the potential danger of future confiscation of arms from the people which in history has led to the extermination of those who speak against tyrannical power in the government.  We presently have strong laws on the books both at the State and Federal level that accomplish what these bills propose.  Tell your lawmakers to focus on enforcing the laws we already have - rather than creating redundant regulations with their fees and taxes that will only punish good law abiding citizens and will surely be ignored by the criminal element in society. 

The right of the people to own and bear arms shall not be infringed.

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