Friday, March 01, 2013

NIH Sequester


Two lists -- which would you rather see the National Institutes of Health (NIH) cut as a result of the sequester?

Column A
Column B
Studying College Binge Drinking
Cancer Research
Male Anatomy Size "Satisfaction" Studies
Autism Research
Rewarding People with Explicit Gay Pictures to Get Them to Stop Smoking
Studying the Impact of Lyme Disease
Studying the Effects of Subway Noise
Diabetes Research
Creating Explicit Sites to Talk About the Risk of HIV Among Gay Men
Curing Childhood Disease

Guess which one the government believes should be cut?

If you guessed the first column?  You'd be wrong.

Dr. Francis Collins is the director of the NIH, and here's what Collins had to tell seniors with cancer, parents suffering with Lyme disease, and autistic children about his funding priorities:

“We wouldn’t do it in a completely blind fashion like a haircut, but everybody’s hair would get cut — pretty significantly. There would be a lot of people with very short hair.”  -- Dr. Francis Collins, June 2012, testimony to U.S. House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Health

...and shorter lives.  All because Dr. Collins and the NIH want to protect some pretty disgusting and bizarre left-wing grants.

That means that cancer research, autism research, and Lyme disease all take a back seat to about half a billion dollars in waste masquerading as science.

The Obama administration is doing everything in their power to defund our aircraft carriers, shut down TSA, and continue to fund and credential the wacky left.  All we're asking for is common sense cuts in areas that deserve it -- not political scare tactics.

Andrea Lafferty
Traditional Values Coalition

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