Saturday, April 27, 2013

What are they hiding?

What is Planned Parenthood Hiding...And Why?
Barack Obama spoke to 1,000 wildly supportive members of Planned Parenthood 
yesterday, calling himself “a president who’s going to be with you fighting every step 
of the way.”

He talked to them about “women’s health” and “access to quality, affordable healthcare,” 
and “a woman’s right to make her own choices about her own health,” which we know 
are code words for abortion.   
But never once did Obama mention the word “abortion.”


Because Obama and the media and Planned Parenthood themselves have long engaged 
in a delicate verbal dance where they let abortion supporters know they’re on their side, 
without ever letting the general public know how deeply involved PP is engaged in the grisly practice.

And engaged they are.  Up to their armpits.

Planned Parenthood killed 333,964 unborn babies by abortion in the United States in 2011, the last year we have numbers for.

Every Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country is required to either perform or refer for abortions, and they’re requiring affiliates to have at least one abortion facility in their regional Planned Parenthood chain.

Some PP affiliates do late abortions, as late as 24 weeks in one New York PP facility.

PP does 27% of all the abortions in the U.S., yet they market themselves magically as a “health care” outfit that provides “services.”

And they get away with it.  A poll just released by The Polling Company shows that 55% 
of Americans do not even know that Planned Parenthood performs abortions.  And only 6% know they do more than 300,000 per year!

How do they so masterfully market themselves, the largest abortion business in the western world, yet most Americans can’t say they do a single abortion?

Part of the reason is they have so much of our money to build an organization with great public relations capabilities.  In fact, PP and its affiliates receive more than half a billion dollars in federal, state and local government grant money every year!

And they have the undying loyalty of the media.  With few exceptions, the media won’t 
tell the American people that Planned Parenthood does abortions.  Or that it does late abortions.  Or lobbies to overturn laws that protect unborn babies and their mothers, laws passed by you through your representatives.  As long as the media keeps silent, Planned Parenthood benefits.

Finally, politicians like Barack Obama play along, dutifully praising Planned Parenthood 
for its work in the “health” field, but never mentioning that so much of that “work” involves the dismemberment and slaughter of innocent unborn babies.

A few people were shocked recently when Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow was asked in a committee of the Florida legislature “If a baby is born on a table as a result 
of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that 
is struggling for life?”

Unbelievably, Snow replied “We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.”

“Few” people were shocked because very few people ever saw or heard her comments.  They were covered on one TV network and on a few radio programs.  But the media in general ignored it.

National Right to Life is determined to educate Americans about what Planned Parenthood really does . . . to not let them hide any longer. 

Your support for NRLC is needed to help us get the facts out to a public that has a right to know, to know what PP is doing with our tax dollars, and what it is doing to our children, born and unborn.` 

Please help with this necessary work, and help us lift the veil of secrecy that has protected Planned Parenthood for too long!  Please contribute generously so we can do what the media refuses to do:  tell the truth about Planned Parenthood!

Thank you, and God Bless!
ctobias-pic-sm Carol-Tobias-Signature
Carol Tobias
National Right to Life President

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