Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013
Dear Representative Kilmer:
Dear Senator Cantwell:
Dear Senator Murray:

This is NOT simply sour grapes.

As a deeply concerned U.S. citizen, I am writing to ask you to please fulfill your
Constitutional duty, and implement procedures to IMPEACH and REMOVE FROM
OFFICE President Barack Hussein Obama, for his repeated and deliberate violations
of the U.S. Constitution -- which qualify as "High Crimes and Misdemeanors". His
violations typically arouse a short-lived tempest among more observant Americans, yet
impeachment is not generally advocated by his critics as a realistic recourse.

From the President's unconstitutional "recess" appointments to the National Labor
Relations Board, to his administration's declaration that they would ask for
"international permission" instead of Congressional permission before intervening militarily
 in a country like Syria's civil war (even though the U.S. Constitution, in Article I Section 8,
REQUIRES the President to get permission from CONGRESS in order to use offensive
military force), to Obama's refusal to obey a law requiring the president's budget to be
submitted on a certain date, to his repeated issuance of Executive Orders that take
Congress' law-making powers to himself instead, to his pattern of lies and corruption
exposed by the Benghazi hearings, to his most recent announced intentions to trample
our most basic Second Amendment rights -- all of these and more are PLENTY of
reason for the House of Representatives to finally IMPEACH, and the Senate to finally
TRY and REMOVE, Barack Obama from the Office of President of the United States!

The grounds for House impeachment and Senate removal proceedings have been laid by
Obama's own actions. He can only be emboldened by the lack of impeachment proceedings
against him so far. A list of his unconstitutional and illegal actions would embarrass any
honest public official and makes Nixon's Watergate cover-up look like a college fraternity
house panty raid. Please, do the RIGHT thing, and implement procedures to IMPEACH
and REMOVE FROM OFFICE President Barack Hussein Obama.

There are those from the top down in this administration that not only should be relieved of
duty but should be arrested, put on trial, and punished according to the letter of the law.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Killion

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