Friday, August 02, 2013

Keep standing against Obama-care.

58% of all Americans oppose Obamacare.  Just four years ago, congressional town halls were packed to the rafters with citizens angry and frustrated with Congress.  The shock of Obamacare gave birth to the Tea Party movement, which hasn't been quiet since.
Yet right now, we have a golden last-chance to stop Obamacare in its tracks.  If there was ever a time to help TVC, right now is that time with a gift of $25... because now this is our last chance to stop Obamacare and the great harm it will create for you and me!
Four Senators -- Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz -- have led the charge to defund Obamacare.  The gauntlet has been thrown down: defund Obamacare!
The response from the left?  Attack.
They claim that this effort to defund Obamacare is a lost cause, a "dead end effort" that is going nowhere.  But they are certainly spending a great deal of money and time pushing back against a lost cause... because they know as well as we do that Americans are fed up, and will not accept a federal government intent on cramming Obamacare down our throats!
Larry, I can't tell you how urgently I need your response.
Right now, members of Congress are making their way back to their home districts.  Town halls and district offices need to hear us loud and clear. 
More than this, even after all the work in August, you and I will have a lot of work to do in September as this fight for the soul of our nation takes shape.
Americans can't afford Obamacare.  Even Obama's friends know this.
Can you imagine?  Over 1,200 organizations and companies friendly to the Obama administration have been exempted from Obamacare -- including members of Congress. 
If Obamacare is so good, how come the members of Congress supporting Obamacare don't sign up for their own deal?
The best thing to do?  Contact your members of Congress, call them, write them, visit their district offices.  Visiting their offices holds a lot of weight and send a message that you're serious about defunding Obamacare
I personally have been contacting members of Congress, and will continue talking to them as they return to Washington.  Our staff has been working tirelessly on your behalf, and there's more to be done. 
We are going to target districts and states where we know members of Congress need to hear from the folks back home.  Most of all, we will continue walking the halls of Congress making sure your voice is heard.
It will only take a minute, and the gift you give today will be far less than the hundreds of dollars you may very well be forced to pay if Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz aren't successfull in these next few weeks.
God bless you for all you are doing and about to do! 
Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
Chairman and Founder
Traditional Values Coalition

PS:  Remember this... these four Senators are putting their careers on the line.  For us.  Because they know that if Obamacare is enacted, no one will be able to shoulder the burden.  That's why they are willing to withstand the withering attacks of the Obama administration and the liberal left.  We have to stand with them -- and for $25 or more, I can ensure that my voice and yours will be heard loud and clear in Washington.
PPS:  ...and I can't emphasize this enough: this is our last chance to defund Obamacare.  We are right at the line.  If there was ever a time to give a gift of $100, $250, or an amazing $500 now is that time.  Because if Obamacare is enacted, we'll be paying that and more in increased health care costs no one can afford. Thank you for you help at this critical time!

1 comment:

Larry Killion said...

Congress, Obama staff & IRS all opting out of Obama-care but YOU? Oh noooooooo. YOU must PAY.