The new rules for personnel or judicial confirmations require only a 51 vote simple majority,(except for Supreme Court nominations), rather than a 60 vote super-majority as historically and Constitutionally authorized. Republicans are now almost helpless to stop Obama's judicial nominees from being confirmed.
If you believe Obama and Reid, the Republicans stalled Obama's judicial nominations. But the facts prove otherwise, according to the New York Post:
President "Bush’s nominees to the DC Circuit faced confirmations dragging on for 707 dayson contrast, Patricia Millett was nominated on June 4 this year and obtained a vote by the Senate just 149 days later, on Oct. 31; Pillard, 161 days; Wilkins, 167 days."
"Nor do the confirmation rates bare out Obama’s concerns. Of all his circuit court nominations during his first term, the vast majority, 85 percent, have now been confirmed. Bush got only 72 percent of his nominees confirmed. In fact, a couple of the openings on the DC Circuit court are only available because Democrats refused to confirm Bush’s nominees."
In other words, there was no crisis. Obama and Reid manufactured a false crisis in order toviolate the Constitution, violate our rights, and seize unlimited power to themselves.
[Dr. Chaps' comment: Thank God the Senate Republicans held firm to STOP three bad judges (listed below) just like we petitioned and faxed then to stop these bad judges. Even Lindsay Graham held firm! It must be an election year in S. Carolina. Let's hold the Democrats and all 100 Senators accountable by demanding the stop these bad judges.]
Please sign our petition to OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER all three bad judges:
NEW PETITION! Stop 3 bad judges from Obama's promotion to DC Circuit Court of Appeals. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators (saving you time), to OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER Judges Pillard, Millett, and Wilkins.
Obama's pro-abortion Judge getting promoted. Stop her now!
President Barack Obama is pushing the nomination of Nina Pillard to the second most powerful court in the nation, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Pillard is an abortion backer whose nomination will likely face opposition from conservative Republicans in the Senate.
Pillard argues that abortion is necessary to help "free women from historically routine conscription into maternity."

Listen to what she has written, "Antiabortion laws and other restraints on reproductive freedom not only enforce women’s incubation of unwanted pregnancies, but also prescribe a 'vision of the woman’s role' as mother and caretaker of children in a way that is at odds with equal protection. Renewed attacks on abortion have turned attention to how the Equal Protection Clause, and the right to sex equality more generally, might advance reproductive self-determination."
Pillard also thinks abstinence education is unconstitutional.
Pillard’s visceral opposition to abstinence education, coupled with her copious misinformation on the subject, calls into question her fitness for the position. Under the banner of "sex equality" she attempts to make a constitutional argument that abstinence education denies equal protection to female students.
Let's take action today. Petition all 100 Senators to STOP Pillard and 2 other bad judges.
NEW PETITION! Stop 3 bad judges from Obama's promotion to DC Circuit Court of Appeals. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to all 100 Senators (saving you time), to OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER Judges Pillard, Millett, and Wilkins.
Obama Pushes 3 Bad Judges on DC Circuit. Let's Demand a Filibuster!
President Obama has nominated and is aggressively pushing three bad judges for promotion to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, one level below the Supreme Court, and often a stepping stone for a future Supreme Court Justice.
Let's sign a brand-new petition to all 100 Senators to OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER these three judges, Cornelia T.L. Pillard, Patricia Ann Millett, and Robert Leon Wilkins.
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