Monday, November 18, 2013

Kilmer Newsletter


Dear Congressman Kilmer,

Let's cut to the chase. Obama's latest "fix" for the health insurance market (that he destroyed with Obama-Care) is no "fix" at all. It is another lie in the Obama-Care fraud.  A
normal private citizen or corporate CEO would ordinarily lose his job and be publicly shamed for such a thing. 

It took insurance carriers three years to gear-up to do Obama's bidding and it is foolish to think they can — in a matter of days — hit the reset button and start reissuing policies and plans for another year (policies they were forced to cancel under Obama-Care). 

Don't be deceived by the D.C bullies.  This fraudulent piece of legislation is fundamentally flawed as a whole.  It cannot be “FIXED” and must be repealed. This whole thing has convinced me to oppose ANYTHING that smacks of “comprehensive reform” by anyone in Washington D.C.  

As you point out in your newsletter, there are certain aspects of healthcare that are in the bill that we can do for the good of America and I agree.  Take them on a stand alone case-by-case basis and make them workable but as long as Obama-care is called the law of the land, (that is actually debatable if you look closely at the ruling by the SCOTUS) No “FIX” will stop millions of Americans from losing their coverage.  This is the sad fact of the matter. 

Thank you for being open to comments from your constituents and I am sorry that I did not get to attend any of your town meetings while you were home. 

Yours truly,

Larry J. Killion

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