Thursday, December 05, 2013

How the HECK...

How the heck this guy got re-elected is beyond my understanding.  I know there are a lot of ignorant people who can and do vote
according to what they are told by the leftist propaganda pundits but surely people who really care about truth and freedom in America out number them.  Right?  It really makes you wonder.  There has GOT to be something wrong with our voting process and the ballot tabulation for this crook to still be getting away with the abuse of Constitutional America.  Too bad we did not see what has been happening in our public educational system for the past fifty years.  We have let America become reprogrammed and we have allowed our history to be rewritten from an anti-Christian point of view.  The politically correct mindset of some would take us back to the European Socialism from which we fled in the 17th century. 

This country was founded as a republic with checks and balances in all the branches of it's State and National Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government.  The Colonists who came here in the first place came mainly for the right to further the gospel of Jesus Christ according to the dictates of their individual consciences and their understanding of the Inspired Word of God in the form of the Geneva Bible. They believed and practiced the inalienable God given rights to life, liberty  and ownership of private property.  They had their fill of oppressive government and believed a free market will always turn out better than having our affairs hobbled by the bumbling bureaucratic one size fits all mentality of big government.   

Why is it that people today are so blind to the destruction the incompetent buffoon in the White House has done?  A simple look at what he said and did in his first 100 days in office should open the eyes of even the most brainwashed Obama-ite.  They must not have been paying attention for the past four years.  Take a look at this article on the first 100 days after Barack Husein Obama took office and if you cannot see that the "Fundamental Changes" he had in mind for our country are NOT what is best for America, you need to have your voter registration canceled.

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