Saturday, February 01, 2014

591 on Ballot

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Protect Our Gun Rights
[Protect Our Gun Rights Logo]
Yes on 591
Dear Fellow Gun Rights Supporter,

I just got word from the Washington Secretary of State that the Protect Our Gun Rights backed Initiative 591 has been certified.

Initiative 591 is backed and endorsed by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Gun Owners Action League of Washington, Hunters Heritage Council, Second Amendment Sisters, Washington Arms Collectors, Washington State Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Association, and the Washington State Rifle and Pistol Association.

We qualified I-591 spending about half as much, yet getting more signatures than the I-594 gun control campaign backed by former New York Mayor and anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

As you may have seen in the news, our opposition flew in some high profile gun control proponents from out of state this week to testify in Olympia for more gun control. As someone that’s lived here for a long time, I can tell you I’ve never seen this much political pressure and money pouring in from outside our state to enact sweeping gun control legislation.

I refuse to let my state become a crime filled gun control zone like Washington DC or Chicago, where law abiding citizens had been rendered completely unarmed and helpless to defend themselves, even in their own homes.

Please use our homepage to donate and volunteer today. Your financial support is needed right now.


Alan Gottlieb
Protect Our Gun Rights
PS:  The time to stand up in opposition to gun control is now. If we stand by and do nothing, our opponents will knock back all the gains we’ve made for our rights in decades of fighting against rich elitists like Michael Bloomberg.
Paid for by:  Protect Our Gun Rights | Yes on 591
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Protect Our Gun Rights
12500 NE 10th Pl.,
Bellevue, WA 98005

Protect Our Gun Rights
Tel: (425) 454-4911
Fax: (425) 451-3959

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