HOT PETITION! Stop Sen. Al Franken from homose xualizing public school classrooms. Stop federal curricula to kids. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!) to filibuster Franken's "No Child Left Unmolested" amendment to Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Free option here.
Democrats Violate Children, Throw Out Christian Signatures
Debra Bowen, the Democrat Secretary of State of California, is throwing out valid signatures gathered by Christians who oppose AB 1266, the co-ed bathroom bill that threatens public school children's privacy.
After YOU helped The Pray In Jesus' Name Project fax 8,000 pastors, a record 620,000 petitions were submitted to overturn the Democrats' co-ed bathroom law by ballot initiative.
But sadly, "in the full count to qualify the referendum on the co-ed bathroom bill, the California Secretary of State is reporting that we came up 17,276 short of the 504,760 signatures needed. The Secretary of State declared that 487,484 signatures were valid and that 131,857 were invalid," reports Privacy for All Students.
I just interviewed Brad Dacus, PJI's President, fighting in court to count every signature:

Why did Democrats throw out 131,857 valid signatures? One reason is that senior citizens with fading eyesight are penalized for sloppy handwriting, reports attorney Matt Reynolds with Pacific Justice Institute (PJI).
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