Proposed Obama Policy Will Be the End of Immigration Enforcement
...and a deadly blow to national sovereignty
Dear Larry,
Maybe you've already heard that under Pres. Obama, deportations have dropped to half of what they were under Pres. Bush. We just learned that 68,000 violent criminals avoided deportation.
Now, Dept. of Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson says that the Obama administration is writing new policies that will eliminate deportations for almost all illegal aliens. We must block this.
The Obama people are moving to remove the threat of deportation from all illegal aliens except violent criminals. Jeh Johnson specifically said that illegal aliens would no longer be deported even if they had been deported before and returned to the U.S. illegally. And they would not be deported even if they ignored a deportation order and remained in the country. So why would anyone obey a deportation order?
Each year, more than 45 million foreign citizens come to the U.S. as legal visitors. With the threat of deportation gone, there is very little reason for many of them to leave -- ever -- as long as they don't rob banks. We can expect future illegal immigration to explode, with Americans paying the price.
These Obama policy changes would be the end of immigration enforcement and a deadly blow to national sovereignty. A complete disaster!
We're going to hit back starting Tuesday with massive phone calls and more. We need you to donate.
Will you sit by and let President Obama ignore the law?
Larry, we must have your help to beat this back. We have to clobber Washington to turn back this threat. We need to make the Obama people lose their nerve and withdraw these proposed changes. Are you up for this?
Next week the fight gets expensive as . . .
. . . We direct members to call Congress on hundreds of special toll-free phone lines.. . . We also launch Facebook and other Internet ads nationally to turn up the heat.. . . We will follow up with a BIG petition to Obama.. . . We will be sending our famous free faxes to Congress. The faxes are free to our members, but NumbersUSA has to pay plenty.
We need your help -- now, today! All who are able need to chip in. Please help us.
Previously we've blocked Congress from passing bad legislation, like amnesties. And so far, we've won every battle we've fought. But now, we need to do something even harder -- stopping the Obama administration from destroying immigration enforcement in one behind-closed-doors blow.
Will you help?
You Can Donate 4 Ways
1) On-line credit card. We take all major cards.
2) Give by PayPal.
3) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
4) Call (877) 885-7733 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Keep the faith, and don't ever give up!
Jim Robb
Vice President, Operations
P. S. It's important to give TODAY. Please act now.
IMPORTANT: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
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