Tuesday, May 20, 2014

David Barron

Here is a sample of a letter you can send to your Senators to stop another liberal from being able to legislate from the bench and defile the moral fiber of America even more in these last days.  

Dear Senator ______________, 

I ask that you vote against the confirmation of David Barron to the U.S. First Circuit Court and urge your colleagues to join you.

Mr. Barron is totally unfit to serve as he has distinguished him as an enemy of the Constitution and the principles stated in its preamble, the Declaration of Independence.

Rather than a defender of life, liberty, and property - Barron has shown himself to be an enemy of all three: he's personally authorized the killing of American citizens through weaponized drones; he's advocated against liberty of speech for those with whom he disagrees; and he's argued that governments can confiscate property from its owners for the sake of "economic redevelopment".

Mr. Barron is an opponent of strict constitutional interpretation - what he calls "pure originalism" and "contemporary conservative constitutionalism" - and advocates the so-called "progressive" view that the Constitution is a living document that doesn't mean what it expressly states.

These things stated, I, again, ask you to firmly oppose Mr. Barron's confirmation to federal court.

I am watching your actions closely.

Defend the Constitution always,


In WA State:  Patty Murray  &  Maria Cantwell   

If you wish to reach more Senators on this issue, go HERE.

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