News Starting to Break ONE WEEK
Before Fatal Plane Crash
Before Fatal Plane Crash

Starting precisely the same time the Obama "birth certificate" PDF appeared on the White House website, a whole bunch of money also appeared for Fuddy – who was suddenly making excessive mortgage payments that didn't mesh with her disclosed salary or any other identifiable income source!
Homelandsecurityus.com reports:
Since her death, portions related to Loretta Fuddy in the sealed affidavit filed in U.S. Federal Court have been made public. Of particular interest are her financial reports detailing her income and expenses in 2011 and 2012. Each report is filed in January for the previous year.According to Mr. Vogt, a large and as yet unanswered income disparity was found between the two reports. In short, during her first year as Hawaii's Director of Health, which is also the time she authenticated Obama's COLB, Ms. Fuddy's gross income was reportedly less than $100,000. Nonetheless, her financials show that she apparently paid down her mortgage and decreased her liabilities by at least $50,000 and perhaps as much as $75,000 more than what she grossed that year. Where did that money come from? While there may well be a legitimate explanation for this disparity, it was not disclosed on the financial forms she filed with the Hawaii State Ethics Commission.
In other words, she paid her mortgage down by nearly the same amount she made!
Outside of Washington's rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul spending schemes, HOW DOES THIS WORK IN REAL LIFE?
It doesn't.
Unless she was getting extra "help" by the ten$ of thou$ands. One obvious explanation that makes sense – Fuddy was paid off for colluding in the production and fraudulent presentation of the document Obama needed to tighten his hold on the Oval Office in the run-up to the 2012 re-election – by falsely certifying the COLB's authenticity.
As noted by Freedom Outpost's Doug Garrison, the Mr. Vogt referenced above is Doug Vogt, who first brought national attention to Fuddy's funny financials in an interview ONE WEEK BEFORE HER DEATH.

Garrison encourages us to "summarize what we know to be true at this point" when it comes to Fuddy's coincidental death in early December, where she was the sole fatality in a Hawaiian small plane crash.
- A Hawaii government official swears that no Hawaii long-form birth certificate ever existed.
- Loretta Fuddy issues a "certificate of live birth" (not to be confused with an official birth certificate which would include extras like foot prints).
- Loretta Fuddy allegedly came into some extra money that she applied to her mortgage.
- Doug Vogt revealed that Fuddy came into some extra money in a radio interview.
- A week later Fuddy is dead and the media totally botches the story, releasing three different, contradictory accounts of Fuddy's demise.
Remember, the Los Angeles Times reported:
Fuddy, 65, was among nine people in a Cessna that crashed into the ocean Wednesday, shortly after leaving Kalaupapa Airport on the island of Molokai about 3:15 p.m. The eight others on the plane, including the pilot, were rescued, but Fuddy "remained in the fuselage of the plane," Honolulu Fire Capt. Terry Seelig told KHON-TV. "It's always a difficult situation when you're not able to get everybody out."
Yet in Associated Press reports AND accounts by ABC News, we were told that Fuddy exited the plane, put on a life jacket and held hands in the water for some time with her deputy Keith Yamamoto in her final moments. This account at the time of the crash was corroborated by a PRIEST. We were also told that the plane is on the ocean floor and "for a variety of reasons" there are no plans to recover the wreckage and confirm the cause of the crash.
Add to this, shadowy images in real-time photo capture of Fuddy in the water by a victim of the crash plus a vague and confusing autopsy report on Loretta Fuddy's cause of death, and the Obama birth controversy just gets deeper and deeper.
Before we learned these disturbing details about Fuddy's mysterious mortgage payments, other details equally worrisome had details have emerged in the murky personal history of Barack Hussein "Barry" Obama Soebarkah Soetoro…
Tellingly, the Soebarkah name appears only once that we know of, and only now are its troubling associations beginning to be exposed.
On the second page of Stanley Ann Soetoro's 1968 application to extend for another two years her since-destroyed 1965 passport, the name of the current Oval Office occupant appears as Barack Hussein Soebarkah – not Barack 'Soetoro' after his Indonesian step-father, and not 'Obama' after his alleged Kenyan father.
The name "Soebarkah" occurs just this once that we know of, and it had been crossed out on Stanley Ann's application, likely on the advice of the Jakarta consulate NOT to remove seven-year-old Barry and thus leave him without a passport.
"Soebarkah" appears in the section labeled "Amend to Include (Exclude) Children."

Intriguingly, Western Journalism's Louise Hodges speculates that perhaps his mother was trying toinclude rather than exclude young Barry in the passport renewal but was not able to produce a birth certificate.
Hodges points out that in the passport records obtained via Freedom of Information Act request, no individual birth certificate is on file for Barry and it is noted there is a "group photo" required of parent and child.
Hodges writes:
I knew immediately that she never had a birth certificate, because she was apparently trying to add him to her passport, so she could leave Indonesia with him. She wanted to go home to the states, but got stuck in Indonesia.I had the same experience in Tokyo. My daughter was born in the US Army hospital in Tokyo. I had to retake my photo holding my daughter, and bring the Army hospital birth certificate to the US Consulate in Tokyo. It's complicated to add a child to a passport. Ann Dunham thought she could walk into the consulate and write down his name, and that was it.
And thus the name "Soebarkah" makes an abrupt, one-time (that we know of) appearance. To break down this seemingly random moniker further: SOE – could signify the adoptive father as Lolo Soetoro; BAR – for Barack or bar/"son" in Islamic Aramaic; and KAH for "who?"… In other words, "Soebarkah" roughly translates into Barack/son who is/was adopted by Indonesian Muslim Lolo Soetoro.
The bigger question at hand – how did young Barry under ANY name or CITIZENSHIP get to Indonesia to BE ADOPTED in the first place without a birth certificate on file or without inclusion on his mother's passport?
Here's Hodges' theory:
The President of the United States apparently traveled as a citizen of another country on somebody's passport, but it wasn't his mother's. Ann Dunham could have easily traveled on her husband's passport when she went to Kenya, or whatever it was called. When her son was born, they simply added him to the same passport, and came back home. That passport expired.
An alternate theory is that young Obama had his OWN passport… but then why the need to add or drop Barack "Soebarkah" from Stanley Ann's, as she attempted to do? And when does Barry's "Indonesian" citizenship and Soetoro surname come into play, as evidenced on his school records – and what became of THEM?
More mysterious still is that the name "Soebarkah" ties Barack Obama and his mother to recently-deceased Hawaiian birth certificate official Loretta Fuddy – killed in a freak airplane crash.
Loretta Fuddy, in the words of criminologist Jason Kissner, is "the Hawaii state health director who approved the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate and who has apparently succumbed to a nasty case of post random plane crash induced arrhythmia."
Her untimely death is being characterized worldwide as "strange" "bizarre" "mysterious" and "weird." We are forced to add that for those seeking to conceal answers about Barack Obama's eligibility for office, it is also very convenient.

BOTH Obama's mother Ann Soetoro and Loretta Fuddy were members of the Subud cult, which ORIGINATED IN INDONESIA. It was founded by a Javanese Muslim man named Muhammad Subuh. According to the Indonesian Subud master Bapak circa 1963, many people in Subud change their names for "spiritual" or practical reasons… "whether it is necessary or not depends on what you want…."
And the "coincidences" hit closer to home still.The World Subud organization for years has been based in CHICAGO.
CHICAGO. INDONESIA. And HAWAII. Sound familiar? Subud was introduced in Hawaii in the 1960s with Obama's mother having been linked to the cult by her biographer, New York Timesreporter Janny Scott (Harvard '77) – hardly a writer with credentials of a rightwing conspiratorialist – in the book A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother.
The book reveals "…she (Ann) was hired to start an English language, business-communications department in one of the few private non profit management-training schools in the country."
And in doing so, Ann "found a group of young Americans and Britons enrolled in an intensive course in Bahasa Indonesia, the national language, at the University of Indonesia, recalled Irwan Holmes (a member of the original group). She was looking for teachers. A half dozen of them accepted her invitation, many of them members of an international spiritual organization, Subud, with a residential compound in a suburb of Jakarta."
This would have been around 1970 or 1971.
Ann's passport "Soebarkah" request was made in 1968. The Subud name helps make the case that Obama's mother was introduced to Subud BEFORE 1970 – and very likely IN HAWAII, where it was introduced in the 1960s.
As of 2001, Subud was profiled in the Honolulu Advertiser as having 20,000 members worldwide. More recent profiles claim 10,000 members worldwide. Its "regional helper" and member of the faith: Loretta "Deliana" Fuddy.
She was the chairwoman of Subud USA, based in Seattle, from 2006 to 2008.
Fuddy – someone with Subud connections and ties to Obama's mother – was named as the Hawaii Director of Department of Health position in January 2011, just months before the release of Obama's "official" birth certificate. What a coincidence.

In a matter of just weeks, we saw the strange death of Hawaii State Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy in Hawaii, the gradual unveiling of her personal connections to Obama, and in an on-going embarrassment, Barack Obama ensnared himself in an identity trap of his own making around ObamaCare…
Because while people were enjoying their Christmas holiday, White House officials in a classic news dump disclosed that in Barack Obama's attempt to symbolically sign up for ObamaCare, he was UNABLE to do so online because HealthCare.gov could not verify his identity!
Now come these revelations of Loretta Fuddy's curious finances… just what does it take to make the guardians of government integrity concerned?
Will any police powers investigate the weird "accidental" death from still unconfirmed causes of the woman who VERIFIED the "authenticity" of Obama's fraud-riddled 2011 PDF birth certificate? Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse law enforcement investigators recently confirmed their ongoing criminal investigation is still slowly heating up in what they call a "universe-shattering" new direction! And whether Loretta Fuddy's death ultimately proves to be a tragic mishap or an assassination, the need for Proof Positive only intensifies with time…
No one outside of WND and those dedicated to unraveling the Obama birth certificate enigma bothered to note how Fuddy's death – again, the woman who verified Obama's PDF birth certificate and a prominent member of a Muslim cult connected to Obama's mother – occurred within the same week as Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse announced new evidence soon to be released, according to lead detective Mike Zullo.

Though held for now because it's part of an active criminal investigation and is evidence still being developed, Zullo says this game-changing information could be public as early as MAY 2014.
Zullo himself was careful to categorize Fuddy's death as appearing merely a tragic accident in an interview with author and talk-radio host Carl Gallups of PPSimmons News and Ministry Network.
Zullo said his investigation of the Obama fraud case "does not hinge on Ms. Fuddy."
"While her death certainly is a tragedy, it in no way hampers our investigation in this matter," he said. "If people truly believe that her untimely demise was somehow related to an attempt to silence her for 'what she may or may not know,' then there are several more people in Hawaii who should be very, very concerned.
"Again, I want to emphasize," Zullo said, "Sheriff Arpaio and I do not, at this time, believe her death was connected to any nefarious circumstances."
Zullo made clear, however, that the Cold Case Posse investigation had been expanded to the county sheriff's office and was "moving in a direction that was not anticipated by us."
"The whole [issue] is more nefarious than you can imagine," Zullo said.
"He [Sheriff Joe] knows in his gut that something is wrong."
… And so do we.
Just as we know of other suspicious deaths surrounding Barack Obama, including the two young homosexual men in his church in Chicago, and "Leuitenant" (his given name) Quarles Harris Jr., apparently murdered because he had knowledge about Obama's passports. This young man worked for John Brennan's firm and was implicated in stealing passport data yet was portrayed as being the random victim of a drive-by shooting. He was shot in the head in the pitch-black dead of night with only the tell-tale sign of one bullet.

"Mr. Obama has in fact not offered any verifiable authoritative document of any legal significance or possessing any evidentiary value as to the origins of his purported birth narrative or location of the birth event," Zullo reminds us. "One of our most serious concerns is that the White House document appears to have been fabricated piecemeal on a computer, constructed by drawing together digitized data from several unknown sources."
Now we have more details from the certified document analyst who has worked for Obama's eligibility DEFENSE lawyers and what was in his 40 page reported submitted by Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse in the Alabama Supreme Court eligibility fight.
The evidence on Obama's ineligibility for office that the Posse has been building is impressive. Reed Hayes, Certified Document Examiner (CDE) is dean of court qualified handwriting and document examiners at the top of his profession, who practices based from Honolulu, Hawaii. He has nearly 40 years of experience, and has worked as an expert instructor, international consultant and speaker in his field. Hayes' 40 page professional analysis of the Obama birth certificate was referenced in the Michael Zullo affidavit submitted to the Alabama Supreme Court in evidence of the Obama eligibility case.
Reed Hayes' report unequivocally concluded that the Obama "long-form" birth certificate image, located at WhiteHouse.gov, is a complete fabrication.
Carl Gallups reports:
As noted by Zullo, "The impressive credentials of Mr. Hayes, and the fact that he has testified in court cases for Perkins-Coie, coupled with the fact that Mr. Hayes is a registered Democrat, demonstrates the integrity of our investigation and our conviction that we possess incontrovertible evidence to back our case. It must be emphasized that we possess much more evidence similar to this revelation that we have not yet released for public information…"
Information WE need to help get investigated by lawmakers in Washington NOW!

YOUR enduring support for Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse investigation is critical – it's what got us this far and it's what is going to get us HEARD ON CAPITOL HILL AND IN COURT!

"This was contrary to specifications issued by federal regulations to the effect that the year of issue should be expressed as four digits on the stamp, and also contrary to any other selective-service registration document that we had been able to examine," Zullo wrote.
He noted that the governor of Hawaii was UNABLE for whatever reason to produce the original, long-form 1961 birth certificate for Obama (you know, to match the multi-layered mess released as "proof" on the White House website) which by the administration's account should have been easy to find… IF Barack Obama was indeed born in Hawaii.

Then we ALL know about the 'coincidental' missing Kenya-U.S. international flight records for the week of Obama's purported birthday!

And let's not forget…
The Kenyan birth certificate and two different long-form birth certificates submitted by Team Obama will be competing for attention in Alabama's Supreme Court – but America has NO IDEA if any of them are Barack Obama's real birth certificate!
For the sake of our nation, this years' long fight for Proof Positive MUST NOT and WILL NOT be in vain! In the law enforcement community, only Sheriff Joe respected his constituents enough to listen and to RESPOND – and now WE the AMERICAN PEOPLE – must stand with him all the way TO TAKE ACTION!
Keep Faith,
The Editors
Proof Positive – www.Proof-Positive.com
Proof Positive – www.Proof-Positive.com
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Black ops divers in the water with Loretta Fuddy minutes after the crash. See the hands in pic #6. Scary stuff.
Black ops divers in the water with Loretta Fuddy minutes after the crash. See the hands in pic #6. Scary stuff.
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