Thursday, May 29, 2014


Save Our Healthcare: Stand with Dr. Ben Carson
Dear Larry,

Today, we begin.

If you’re like me, you know Obamacare isn’t working. And it won’t ever work.

I’d like to see it gone, period. But we can’t beat something with nothing – and going back to the status quo is not acceptable either.

So today, we begin to lay out an alternative.

We are thrilled to announce the Save Our Healthcare “Remedy for a Free & Healthy America,” our simple, 5-step plan to replace Obamacare.

Because we want people to have time to learn about and discuss our proposals, we will be releasing our plan as a 5-part video series over the coming weeks.

We start today with Part One: Personal Accounts, Personal Control, which you can watch below in just 2 short minutes.

In Part One, I explain why expanding access to personal, tax-free Health Savings Accounts will empower patients, reduce costs, increase transparency, and put the most important person in control of your healthcare – you.

We hope you enjoy our video, and share it with one or two people that you care about.

Here’s the simple truth: the mid-term elections are less than six months away, and we have the opportunity to elect a new class of reformers who can start the process of replacing Obamacare.

But before we can even hope to win a vote, we must win an argument. We must convince our fellow Americans that our ideas are the right ones.

Today, we begin that effort – and I’m honored that you’ll be standing with me.

Dr. Ben Carson
Chairman, Save Our Healthcare
American Legacy PAC

P.S. I'd like to thank you, and the 300,000+ other Americans who have signed up to support the Save Our Healthcare Project. We couldn't do this without you.

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