NAACP Threatens LifeNews, We Need Your Help!
Dear LifeNews Readers,
Over the years, LifeNews has brought national attention to the fact that the NAACP takes a strongly pro-abortion position, has worked hand in hand with pro-abortion groups and have actively opposed pro-life legislation..
You would think a group like the NAACP would not support abortion given how abortion has decimated the black community! Instead, the NAACP is not happy LifeNews reported the truth!
They have send a threatening letter to LifeNews demanding we stop and may take legal action against us because we have been hitting them hard on their abortion advocacy, opposing pro-life legislation and attempting to silence black pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger.
The NAACP organization is a multi-million-dollar giant that has the ability to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars going after LifeNews. We're a pro-life small business that relies on donations from good-hearted pro-life people like you to spread the pro-life message and stop abortions.
We need your help today as we battle with the NAACP to keep reporting the truth!
If you have a donation you can spare to help LifeNews, we sure could use your help!
Please don't let the NAACP stop LifeNews from telling the truth! Please help LifeNews with whatever donation you can send today!
For their lives,
Steven Ertelt, Editor
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