Fellow Conservatives:
We have very good news to report.
First, SCF-endorsed conservative Joni Ernst (R-IA) won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Iowa.
Ernst started the race as an underdog, but thanks to your support she surged and won the nomination with more than 56% of the vote.
Now Ernst will face liberal Bruce Braley (D-IA) in November. Braley voted for Obamacare, he voted for Obama's failed stimulus bill, he voted for the Wall Street bailout, he voted to increase the debt limit, he voted to raise taxes, and he voted for taxpayer-funded abortion.
This is expected to be a competitive race so we must do everything we can to push Joni Ernst on to victory.Second, SCF-endorsed conservative Chris McDaniel (R-MS) surged into a run-off against incumbent Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS).McDaniel survived the Republican establishment's disgraceful attacks and finished ahead of Cochran, but with just under 50% of the vote.
This is a major victory that has the big-spending Republicans in Washington very worried. They know McDaniel has the advantage because conservatives typically turn out in even greater numbers in run-off elections.
The June 24th run-off election is just three weeks away so we need to act quickly to help Chris McDaniel rebuild his campaign war chest.
Please donate to Chris McDaniel.This race in Mississippi is ground zero in the fight between the conservative grassroots and the moderate Republican establishment.Thad Cochran has been in Washington for 41 years and has voted for mountains of wasteful spending and debt. Chris McDaniel is a constitutional conservative who will change Washington.
The choice is clear.
Now is our chance to elect another true conservative who will join Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Rand Paul (R-KY) in the Senate.Please make a contribution to Chris McDaniel's campaign.This run-off election is a sprint so there is no time to waste. Please answer the call today and donate as much as you can.The Republican establishment and their crony capitalist friends will spend a lot of money smearing McDaniel. He needs our help to fight back.
As you know, SCF pays all processing fees so 100% of the money you donate to McDaniel will go directly to his campaign.Please make DC listen by supporting this outstanding conservative today.We can win this race if we work together.
Thank you for your generous support and thank you for standing strong for the principles of freedom that make America great.
Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
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