Friday, July 11, 2014

a word from wild Bill

Friday, July 11, 2014 
  Impressions for           Prayer and Supplication 
 I had an early morning meeting with a brother and mentor. He and another of our brothers had been on the phone praying before our meeting. He said the verse they were praying over was from Ezekiel 22:30, "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." We were talking about this verse. I said that many Christians I know like to quote the first part of the verse, but leave off the last part: "but I found none."  This was a verse that we both agreed we would stand on this day. That we would stand in the gap as part of our daily lives. I know that many of you also are standing in the gap. With good reason.

The headlines today are similar to the ones of the past week. We are being overrun by illegal aliens coming across the borders of our southern states.
The occupant of the Oval Office is in Texas for a series of Democratic Party fundraisers. He is hobnobbing with radicals supporting blanket amnesty, telling them he is on their side, and outright rejecting requests by Governor Rick Perry to visit the border to observe first hand what is happening. He is openly mocking both Republicans and Democrats, especially Republicans, who don't agree with his stance on his unconstitutional and illegal position to not defend and secure the borders of the United States. In fact, he is defiant about his role as "president."
 Speaking to Democratic Party supporters and contributors, he mocked Congress for not supporting his agenda (From the White House transcript):
"You hear some of them - - "sue him," -   - "impeach him."  Really?  (Laughter.)  Really?  For what?  (Applause.)  You're going to sue me for doing my job?  Okay.  (Applause.)   I mean, think about that.  You're going to use taxpayer money to sue me for doing my job -- (laughter) -- while you don't do your job.  (Applause.)"            Then he called for some $3 billion to fix the illegal migration problem that he has created by intentionally not securing the borders. And, the White House website continues to say "today, border security is stronger than it has ever been."

The "president's" propaganda machine is in full swing.                                              
He blames those opposing immigration reform for the border crisis he has created.
He says that he is doing his job- -meaning it is his job to not enforce laws on marriage, border security, immigration, offshore drilling, terrorism, and the list goes on and on.
Instead, he claims that Congress is not doing its job.
Some truth in that- -Congress should be impeaching him and trying him for criminal malfeasance and treason.
This "president" is the antithesis of what is good and right. Congress is not far behind.
We all need to be an Ezekiel 22:30 people and make up the hedge, stand in the gap in all prayer and supplication, and where possible, take action.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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