Monday, July 07, 2014

Freedom Update

Dear Larry, This week on The Freedom Update:
  • Retired Washington Supreme Court Justice James Johnson joins the Freedom Foundation,
  • We update you on Kristi Brumfeld's story, which exposes the true interests of public sector unions, and
  • We write a letter to Governor Jay Inslee telling him to abide by the law.
Help spread our message in the fight against Big Labor unions, please share this video.
For more information, go to
Stay Informed,
David Bramblett, Creative Director
Freedom Foundation
P.S. For those of you who wish to go directly to the blog posts featured in this video, you can find them here:
  1. Justice James Johnson
  2. Union Injustice
  3. Governor Jay Inslee-Abide by the Law
Read The Freedom Update - Episode 27


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