Thursday, July 31, 2014

YES on I-591

Protect Our Gun Rights
[Protect Our Gun Rights Logo]
Yes on 591

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re sitting on ground zero of the gun rights fight for the 2014 election.

Unfortunately, I come to you with bad news.

The coalition of former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s billionaire elitists and anti-Second Amendment Rights crusaders are beating us financially, and in the polls.

Documents obtained by our campaign indicate they’ve raised more than $2.7 million to fund the ballot initiative fight in Washington State to further erode our right to keep and bear arms.

Our campaign has raised under $800,000 so far.

We’re losing ground.

But you can solve that by doing just a few small things. Here’s a small list of important actions we all need to keep repeating through the election this November.
  1. Tell your friends, family, re-post and re-email
Recruitment is a top priority of any campaign or political movement. We’re still finding people out there that either don’t know what’s going on, or don’t know what they can do. Please forward this e-mail to your friends and family. The more we increase our numbers and awareness, the better chance we have at winning.
  1. Register to vote at your current address
Yes, we’re still finding people that aren’t registered to vote or haven’t voted for a long time. If you didn’t get a primary ballot in the mail in the last couple of weeks, you are not registered to vote at your current address. You can register online now via the Washington Secretary of State website. It’s too late to vote in the primary if you’re not registered. But if you register immediately you will be able to vote on the ballot initiatives this November. Also, make sure your friends and family are registered to vote as well. It’s our right and a civic duty.
  1. Offer to help with a campaign event or fundraiser
Contact us and let us know if you’ve got access to a unique venue or place we could meet to hold campaign events.
  1. Make a contribution and volunteer
If you’ve already contributed and signed up to volunteer, thank you. Gun owners statewide and nationwide owe you a debt of gratitude. If Bloomberg and the rest of the anti-gunners are successful at stopping us here and rolling back our rights, they’ll do it in other states as well. As the campaign heats up, we’ll need as much help as we can get!
  1. Endorse
If you know a group, civic organization, or elected official (current or former) that hasn’t endorsed Initiative 591 yet, please encourage them to do so. There is an endorsement form on our website at the bottom of the endorsements page.
  1. Don’t get discouraged
We already know most of the mainstream media outlets won’t be on our side. That’s a given. Where we can make the most impact is in our own neighborhoods and community. If you want to distribute campaign materials, please contact us and we’ll make that happen.

In Freedom,

Phil Watson
Protect Our Gun Rights | Yes on 591
PS:  Today is the end of the month deadline to file financial reports with the Washington Public Disclosure Commission! Please help show the strength or our campaign with a donation if you’re able. Donations to ballot initiative campaigns in Washington State are not capped. So you can donate as much or as many times as you like.

Initiative 591 has been endorsed by:  Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Firearm Collectors and Shooters Association, Firearms Policy Coalition, Gun Owners Action League of Washington, Hunters Heritage Council, Second Amendment Sisters, Washington Arms Collectors, Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs (WACOPS), Washington State Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association (WSLEFIA), Washington State Rifle and Pistol Association
Paid for by:  Protect Our Gun Rights | Yes on 591
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Protect Our Gun Rights
12500 NE 10th Pl.,
Bellevue, WA 98005

Protect Our Gun Rights
Tel: (425) 454-4911
Fax: (425) 451-3959

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