Marion tended to her garden first thing this morning ...
I put up the sign at the picnic shelter, we set up our lawn chairs, laid out the Klahowyas,
(yearbooks) for '59, '60, '61. & '62, spread the table cloth and some snacks on the table, I put on a CD by the Platters and when "Only You" came on, Marion said, "May I have this dance?"
That made the whole day worth it all. There we were swaying to the oldies as others passed by and looked and simply smiled.
In a little while, Karl and Melody Knight arrived. Then came Mary Ellen Johnson, and shortly there after it was Ed and Connie Densmore.
We all had a wonderful time of casual conversation and visiting. Karl and I took a little walk down toward the beach. I love to hear him talk about his days on the Mission Fields of Africa. Mary Ellen said she is trying to slow down and sort of semi-retire from her Piano Tutoring business. She said she is down to about 30 students a week now. Ed and Connie were radiant with spirituality as they told of how providence had worked in their lives. Several we expected to see - did not make it for some reason: Pat Schoolcraft said she wanted to come when I saw her at Freddy Fest, Mel Grant and his wife were planning to come, so was Jaimie Tubig and his wife, along with Marcia Collins and Janelle Hopper. We had a note from Bruce Hubbard and - some others sent in email regrets that they were not going to be able to make it this time. The four hour rental time for the shelter flew by and we had to pack up and say our goodbyes. Marion and I went down to 56th and South Tacoma Way for the Car Show that was going on there and then home for a NAP. :)
Kit Baker:
Larry, I would love to join you all but Poulsbo RV has a very different idea of
what my Schedule is all about... Say hello to all!
Betty Johnson:
Thank you Larry and Marion... I will not be there... have already promised to see
my mom's brother..(my uncle) in Klamath Falls...... Thank you for the work and
arrangements you have done for everyone to be there & thanks for being at Judy's
last month. Wow, autumn is fast approaching..have a good one.
Judy Haley:
Hey, Larry! Thanks for the invite. We won’t be there because we’re doing another
birthday party – Howard (my husband)’s 80th. Have a great time! Looks like good
weather. And say Hello to the group for me. Thanks again, Judy
Larry, I am sorry I can't be at the picnic but pastoring obligations
cause it, I know you will have a great time with Carl Knight and the others. God bless you and your ministry.
Pastor Joe Hedges
Thank you Larry and Marion!
I really enjoyed visiting with all of you
today! Thank you for all the goodies and the warm welcome. On the
way back to Puyallup I drove by the home on 116th (Laurel Ave) where
I grew up and stopped by the donut shop on Gravelly Lake Drive. I may be a
pound heavier tonight, but it was worth it! Thanks so much for the
meaningful time of sharing and remembering…
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Love to all…
Mary Ellen
Hey, Larry,
It's nice of you to coordinate a class picnic. Unfortunately, being down here in California,
it is too far for me to go to have lunch with you guys. I hope a lot of the class members
show up and that you have a great time. Take a lot of photos.
Ron Johnson.
Well, there were a lot of others that I thought were pretty cool looking but blogger is balking for some reason at taking any more uploads at this point so - I guess that's going to have to be IT, for now anyway. Please log on to our Website and/or leave me a note HERE or ....
.... send me an email or call me and let me know if you think we should keep on going with this idea of an annual picnic.
Chow !
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