Sunday, August 03, 2014

Union Abuse

Dear Larry,

When Big Labor couldn't stop Wisconsin's government-sector Right to Work law with school shutdowns and a legislative walkout, the union bosses tried to hijack a nonpartisan judicial election.

When that failed, they went all-out in a failed recall campaign -- subsidized by forced-dues dollars -- to oust Governor Scott Walker.

When that failed, they tried every bogus argument they could think of in court to repeal or gut the law.

Now the Wisconsin Supreme Court has put its foot down and upheld all of the provisions of Act 10.

Your National Right to Work Foundation has been there every step of the way, fighting back.

Foundation staff attorneys filed amicus briefs for civil servants who support the reforms, and the state Supreme Court relied on arguments Foundation attorneys made in those briefs to uphold Act 10.

Not only that, the judges cited our two most recent victories at the U.S. Supreme Court, including this year's Harris v. Quinn, noting that all forced union fees are "constitutionally suspect."

But we can't rest on our laurels.

Union bosses are still on a warpath against Michigan's and Indiana's Right to Work protections.

National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys are defending these Right to Work laws from desperate legal attacks.

Defending and enforcing state Right to Work protections is a crucial component of the Foundation's strategic litigation program.

It's especially critical in a state like Wisconsin.

If union bosses successfully gut or repeal Wisconsin's law, then it's only a matter of time before they take aim at every Right to Work law across the country.

And what other governor would be willing to go through everything Scott Walker did, if Big Labor can just blow all his achievements away in the courts?

Now it’s up to us to defeat Big Labor in the courts in Michigan and Indiana too.

So please, chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to help us keep up the fight to defend state Right to Work laws.

Thank you again for your critical support.


Mark Mix

P.S. The Foundation relies completely on voluntary contributions from our supporters to provide free legal aid.

Please chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to support the Foundation's programs.

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