Friday, September 12, 2014


Speech by Sessions in the Senate: 
Don't Give the "Masters of the Universe" THEIR Amnesty Deal.  Click HERE 

Excerpts from Sessions' speech:
  • "How did we get to the point where elected officials, activist groups, the ACLU, and global CEOs are openly working to deny American workers the immigration protections to which they are legally entitled?"
  • "Every senator needs to stand up and represent their constituents -- not big business, not the ACLU, not activist groups, not political interests, but the American interests, the workers' interests."
  • "So who are these so-called expert advocates and business leaders [the White House has been meeting with]? They are not the law-enforcement officers; they are not our ICE officers; they are not our Border Patrol officers; they are not the American working man and woman; they are not unemployed Americans. They weren't in the room."
  • "White House officials are meeting with the world's most powerful corporate and immigration lobbyists....They believe they are always supposed to get whatever it is they want. They are used to that....They tried and tried and tried to pass the bill through Congress, but the American people said: No, no, no. So they decided to just go to the president. They decide to go to President Obama, and they insist that he implement these measures through executive fiat."
  • "We have business CEOs, lobbyists, activists, immigration groups, and clever politicians who demand that we have to have even more workers brought into America even when we have a decline in wages and a decline in jobs. But what does the president do? His administration issues an executive order to provide foreign spouses -- the citizens of other countries, not American citizens -- with 100,000 jobs in the United States, precious jobs that many Americans would love to have. How many American spouses struggling to support their families would benefit from one of those jobs? How many single moms would benefit from a chance to earn a better paycheck?"

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