Why vote no on I-594? It is the latest effort to restrict the rights of law-abiding Washington State gun owners. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, former Mayer of New York City, has committed over 50 million dollars this election to promote the anti-gun agenda all across America. Several million of that money has been poured into this State to force the miss-guided will of these elitists upon regular Americans.
Those behind I-594 promote it as a universal background check Initiative but is not. Criminals will never comply with it. It is in reality another stepping-stone by gun grabbers to eat away the God given rights upheld in the constitution.
NO – I-595 will not stop gun violence. It will only burden legal gun owners with ambiguous
regulatory schemes that will never be fairly enforced. It does not take 18 pages of legalese to say all
gun buyers will have a federal background check. This is already the law anyway. You cannot change criminal behavior by
criminalizing lawful behavior.
NO – I-594 will not address the national mental health
crisis. It totally ignores the common
facts about recent high profile gun crimes such as; the perpetrators were
already under psychiatric care, known to be unstable, on psychiatric
medication, but had passed background checks and did their crimes in so-called “gun
free zones”.
NO – I-594 will not
be blessed by rank and file Law Enforcement. Regular officers in the WACOPS and WSLEFIA
organizations see this initiative for what it is; an unfunded mandate that diverts
resources away from keeping violent criminals off the streets. They see that it only restricts the rights of
private gun owners.
NO – I-594 will not stop
criminals from getting guns illegally but it will criminalize good gun owners
when they loan a gun to a friend or family member and do not go to a licensed
gun shop and pay a fee and fill out all the forms and jump through all the
hoops. Proponents of I-594, on the
annoying ads they are broadcasting relentlessly, proclaim repetitive falsehoods. No, you cannot buy a gun on the internet
without a background check nor can you buy one at the Gun Shows without
one. These are outright lies.
NO – I-594 will not
bring universal background checks, it will bring and expansion of the government
database of law abiding citizens that may have guns to be confiscated when
deemed appropriate. Remember the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina when honest citizens were at the mercy of armed
criminals because the government took their guns for “fear” of violence?
Washington State
has a mail in ballot system and the ballots should go out to the voters around
October 18th or so…. PLEASE
make sure you vote NO on I-594 and pass this information on to everyone that
you can. This is a grassroots effort to
stand up against the Millions and Millions of dollars spent by wealthy
outsiders trying to force their demented dreams of utopia on the common sense
people of Washington.
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