Monday, September 08, 2014

Obama - ISIS - UN - & Israel

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The longer President Obama waits, the more ISIS will kill.
The more the U.N. focuses on targeting Israel, the more ISIS can commit genocide.
We're demanding the Obama Administration and the U.N. focus on the real enemy.
Send a powerful message: Confront jihad, protect Christians, and defend Israel.
This week we also got a new bombshell from the IRS.
New emails reveal that the IRS was conducting a "secret research project" with illegally obtained conservative donor information.
The more we learn, the worse the IRS targeting scandal gets.
Read Our Analysis: The IRS's Illegal "Secret Research Project."
We're hard at work in federal court to stop this outrageous IRS abuse and defend the Constitution.
We continue fighting aggressively around the globe to confront the threat of radical jihad and defend Christians.
Your support makes our work possible. Please join the fight with a tax-deductible gift today.
Donate Today as we Fight for Faith and Freedom.
The ACLJ Team

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