Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Bloomberg's Gun Control

Kim Weeks is standing up to Bloomberg's gun control agenda. Watch NRA's latest ad and read Kimberly's message below.  

My name is Kimberly Weeks and I am a survivor
of violent crime. I'm not just another statistic, I could be you, your mother, your sister, your
wife, your daughter, or your friend. I was given
a second chance at life and I want to make each minute count. I am giving a voice to every
American who wants to exercise their Second Amendment rights and protect themselves and their family how they see fit.
A billionaire with armed guards does not know
how it feels to be totally defenseless at the
mercy of an evil person who holds your life in
their hands.

He will never know how it feels to walk the
streets of your college campus after being victimized yet feel safe because you are
carrying a firearm for protection. He does not
know how it feels to have lawmakers try to take away that sense of security under the guise of
"gun safety". I do, and I have a message for
Michael Bloomberg: Mr. Bloomberg, you do
NOT have the right to tell me how I defend
Please help me send a message to Michael Bloomberg, by sharing my story with your
friends and family. Together we can let him
know that our rights are not for sale.
Kimberly Weeks

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