Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Conservatism for Minorities

Reaching minorities with the conservative message.

Without winning over minority voters, it will be nearly impossible for the GOP to win another presidential election - leaving the future of conservatism in serious jeopardy.
The real problem is that most minorities have never heard the truth about conservatism...
They've only heard the liberal side of the story, which preaches that only the government can create prosperity.
That's why more than 70% of Hispanics and 90% of Blacks vote for Democrats in every election despite the fact that most minorities hold conservative beliefs.
I can tell you from personal experience that the promise of personal responsibility, fiscal freedom, and religious liberty resonates with minorities unlike anything liberalism can offer.
Once the message of conservatism reaches minority communities, it spreads like wildfire and destroys the misconceptions that keep minorities voting for Democrats.
That's why Alvin Williams and Black America's PAC are so important to conservatives - like you and me.
You see, Black America's PAC (BAMPAC) specializes in spreading the message of conservatism to minority communities converting would-be Democratic voters into Republicans.
As a political group led by black conservatives, Black America's PAC can reach out to black voters with more authority than any other conservative group can.
You see, even a 5% increase in minority votes for conservatives could stop a Democratic victory in 2016.
And no conservative organization has more experience spreading the promise of conservatism to minority communities than Black America's PAC.
[fname], I truly believe the party of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass can attract minority voters with the help of conservatives like YOU.
Our future depends on your action today.
In freedom,
Dr. Ben Carson Sincerely,
Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Ben Carson

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